Western Washington Shooters


New member
can anyone suggest a good Rifle range (indoor or outdoor) in the Seattle area?
i've moved here recently and dont really know of anywhere to shoot. I have gone to a range in Redmond but its indoors and only 25 yards max (pistols mostly)
I am looking for somewhere i can shoot at 100 yards.

thanks guys.


Depending where in the Seattle area you are. If North you might check out http://www.wcwinc.org/. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) this is a membership range. For non-members the rifle range (100yd) is open to the public. The pistol range (25-50yd) is open to the public only on weekend afternoons. There also is a trap/skeet range (with lights) and an archery field range.
They are fairly restrictive. Single round only on the rifle range,except for a function test with the permission of the rangemaster. On the pistol range, no "gangsta" shooting (i.e. fast as you can pull the trigger until slide lock)
In fact, if you can't keep 'em on the paper at 25, the rangemaster will help you with technique or you will be asked to leave, depending on your attitude.

However, if you choose to join, there are two more rifle ranges (100,200 & 300 yd). They are set up for bench or position shooting and the "single round" restriction isn't there. The pistol range is open daylight hours. There is also a 50 ft. indoor range that is used for winter .22 league and archery.

Lots of leagues and weekend matches, but AFIK they don't do any of the "action" pistol disciplines. Check out the website.


Thomas Aquinas

New member
dont waste your time with RFGC

I recommend against Renton Fish and Game Club. I have consistently had one bad experience after another. The rifle/pistol range master is a petty tyrant with a HUGE attitude. The Board of Directors seems to tolerate him for some reason but customers have a choice...

I recommend shooting anywhere else...


New member
If you're south of Seattle, may I heartily recommend Cascade Rifle and Pistol Club?

It's in Ravensdale, and there are actually two separate range facilities. The first is indoor, .22 only.

The second outdoor complex actually consists of a number of ranges, arranged conveniently for your shooting pleasure. A Range is an archery range, and there is a walk-through archery course. B Range is a general purpose range, 200 yards, with one trap house and a manual thrower. C Range is a general purpose rifle range, out to 200 yards. D Range is a 600 yard rifle range. You can shoot to 200 with no special conditions--300 and over, you must qualify with the Club leadership to use the range.

E Range had three action pistol bays, and a 25 and 50 yard range, competition ready with turning targets.

It is a membership-only range, and NRA membership is required--but there are NO restrictions on rapid fire, NO restrictions on mag capacity, and absolutely NO restrictions on caliber!!!

Check it out!


New member
I shoot at Renton quite a bit and know exactly who the RO is referenced above.
He may have a bit of attitude but he runs a safe and consistent range and that's what I'm looking for.
Good range with very solid benches for shooting out to 200yds and the potential for competition if you desire.
Good place, I like it.


New member
There's a nice range up near Mt Vernon, but that's about an hour north of you. I think it's called the Marysville Range


New member
I just go out on the logging roads. Green dots are good. Just make sure you pick a good backstop and you'll be fine. Are you living right in Seattle? If you are I guess that would make finding logging roads a bit of a hassle :rolleyes: But otherwise that's the way I would go. Its free and you don't have to worry about other yahoos around you.


New member
I don't know about Bellingham, but I used to frequent the Tacoma Sportsmens's Club in Puyallup. Very nice outdoor range, 200 yards for rifle, probably 20 or so for pistol. From Federal Way it was a bit of a drive, but I thought it was worth it


New member
Bellingham range

I use the Whatcom county range, probably no more than 20-25 miles south of Bellingham. It's got an indoor range for smallbore, and an outdoor range for fullbore. You may shoot from benches, or position shoot (by moving the bench out of the way). They hold regular High Power matches there, and the targets are set out at 50, 100, 200, 300yds (though you cannot post your own targets).

Nice guys and one of the rangemasters is Gary Rasmussen, High Master, and frequent member of the US Palma team.
