western states and canadian provinces


New member
Awhile back someone posted asking if it's 'too late' for this country. Dunno if it is or not.

However, tonight's newspaper had an 'in depth' piece about the western provinces' standoff with the Canadian feds over gun registration.

Seems to me, with a little luck, we could all emigrate to Canada and secede from *their* union over the issue of gun control.

They've got lots of empty land, don't they? ;)

Tongue very firmly in cheek,

"Canada is a country so square that even the female impersonators are women." -- Richard Brenner


New member
Having spent a fair amount of time during one year or another ratting around the Yukon Territory, Northern BC and Northern Alberta - if they were to sucede I'd be willing to consider relocation. Good country, damn fine folks.

Jim Fox


New member
pax, emigrate!!! LOL, it would be easier to INVADE us. BTW keep me posted on the invasion plans, I can put up at least 20 guys/gals and have full helo landing facilities.

Being real now, and having lost the Supreme Court challenge, it will be interesting to see what happens. Just this weekend we chose a new leader for a new politicial party that possibly has a chance on overthrowing the incumbent tyrants that have been at the trough for years. This new guy (Stockwell Day) has so far been able to dodge the bullets when asked about our new and soon to implmented 350 million dollar gun control/confiscation fiasco. He comes from AB and used to be our treasurer so Im sure he will come to his senses about the cost of the project anyways. But its hard to say what those Central and Eastern provinces will do, and unfortuantly thats where most of Canadians live. Us westeners usually end up suckin the big one when it comes to what gets chosen for this once great country.


Alberta, BC and Saskatchewan (say that three times real fast eh.) would make great states, we have all of the oil and gas, most of the lumber, and alot of the food production. Just make sure your troops dont drink any Canadian beer till they get used to it....




Sounds a lot better if we just start a new country.Western Canada and western US minus southern Kali.We give that to Mexico.Laws could be talken from the Tri-states law system.
For anyone that doesn't know about the tri states get the books called ashes series by McDonold(think I have author right)It is a very interesting social system he set up.

Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.

[This message has been edited by beemerb (edited July 10, 2000).]


New member
One Law I hope to see changed in the Future is the requirment of the US State Department to get an export Permit for any gun realated item costing over $100.

I can't even order a barrel from the USA without waiting 2 months to get an export permit for the dam thing, and canadian customs has no idea why they are doing this, Canada could care less about gun parts.
