West Wing Premier


New member
Just got done eatching the season premier of "The West Wing". Dont normally watch the show but I decided to se what all the hub-bub was all about. They actually made it through 1.5 hours without making any really bad remaks about guns in particular. There is a scene with an SS agent talking to a staff member and remarking that the assassination attempt was just an act of mad men. Not mad men with guns, just mad men. Not mad, neanderthal gun owners, just mad men. I was actually thinking that they might make it out of the episode without their usual severe slant and then they hold a press conference where the woman spouts off a bunch of statistics about how many people were hurt at gun point that particular day, and end with the statement "And if anyone wants to tell me that many of these crimes would have been prevented had the victim been armed can just remember that he President of the USA was just shot while being protected by the most heavily armed and best trained staff in the world." Now I know why I saty away from the idiot box like the plague.

"Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes."
-R.A. Heinlein

Kentucky Rifle

New member
These jerkweeds put on a TELEVISION show for thirty weeks a year and then consider themselves qualified to make the real decisions that the Executive Branch of OUR government is faced with.
Algore considers the Constitution a "living document" that should be changed as time goes by.
Sometimes I feel like a great many people who call themselves Americans are really just "circling the bowl".
(If you catch my drift.)


Mendacity is the system we live in.

[This message has been edited by WLM (edited October 04, 2000).]


New member
Maybe nobody noticed, but they TOTALLY took a jab at gun control! CJ, the press secretary said, near the end of the second part, something along the lines of "guns killed these people despite being protected by the best trained bodyguards in the world and weather or not they (the victims) had a gun on them would not have mattered"

Did anyone catch that?? ANYONE?? I'm so disappointed in the show. It used to be one of my favorites.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TAZ:
..."And if anyone wants to tell me that many of these crimes would have been prevented had the victim been armed can just remember that he President of the USA was just shot while being protected by the most heavily armed and best trained staff in the world." [/quote]

Typical liberal empty headed pap.

If you think about it, the Bartlett survived fine because he had armed guards. Further thought about "CJ's" statement reveals that the only guns that did any killing at the presidential shooting were the ones wielded by the USSS agents that killed the two shooters in "9.xx" seconds. Maybe if some of those other "victims" had the benefit of self-defense, just like Bartlett, then they would not be statistics.

As a non-political aside, I think she made a mistake when she referred to the rifles used by the USSS as "7.26" rifles instead of "7.62". I did like that part about calling the weapons "J.A.R.'s", short for "Just Another Rifle". Reminds me a bit of the PCR, Politically Correct Rifle AR-15 clone. Does anyone know if this "J.A.R." is a real name or is it just some hollywood fabrication.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Who cares what titles these bungholes spew out? They can call them boomsticks for all I care.
They can choke on there own regurgitated male bovine fecal matter for all I care.


New member
I just watched the show. When the part about guns be evil came on I almost barfed. I turned to my wife and said that is the last time I watch this show. I then turned to my wife and said that a man's home is his castle and I was excercising my royal authority and she could no longer watch the show either. She called me a royal a$$. ;)


New member
My wife watched this show, and from nearby I heard the press secretary's snide dismissal of the use of guns for personal defense. It made me mad, of course. :mad: Such sophistry is one of the core elements of anti-gun propaganda nowadays. It's the exact idea behind the trigger lock craze: since guns are worthless for defense, and since they do only harm, there's no reason not to render all of them inoperable. The crackpots are sighing in bliss.

BTW, my wife's response was measured. She saw the propaganda, but she said it wasn't just this show, it was Hollywood in general. True enough. But, to me, this in no way exonerates the show of pushing an anti-civil rights message.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited October 05, 2000).]

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
My wife is much smarter than me. I watched the show while she was in the bath, and when she came out she just slipped up to the bedroom and watched the Country Music Awards. Thus she avoided the massive blood pressure spike I suffered. Her eyeballs did not explode.

I think the mispronunciation of firearm terms could have been deliberate, intended to show how she was soldiering on despite her shakiness and how she didn't know anything about guns (or want to, the filthy things.)

My only response is that if those armed guards didn't matter, thus proving that being armed makes no difference and we should all throw our personal weapons into the ocean, then FIRE THEM. On the next episode, they should follow their own advice and have Bartlett disband the Secret Service. After all, armed guards didn't help, right? It didn't matter that the attackers were killed before they could finish off the president, right? Doesn't seem like much to ask when you take them at their word.


New member
I watched the very end of the season finale and refuse to ever watch this crap again. But, any bets that the USSS isn't perturbed over this show? There's a firing position with a clear view of the motorcade and it apparently hasn't been secured or even checked. Talk about portraying the Secret Service as incompetent! "Gee, boss, we didn't think them skinheads were a problem!" Yeah, right.


New member
If anyone tries to take those words and use them against us, just remind them that his was a screen play and not real. Only a fantasy land.