West Nile


New member
Monday, Oct. 23, 2000 10:27 p.m. EST

CIA Source: West Nile Virus Worse Than Believed

The deadly West Nile virus has spread as far west as Michigan and as far south as North Carolina.

Just two years ago the killer bug started in New York City, more specifically in Queens neighborhoods just across the river from the United Nations.

NewsMax.com columnist John LeBoutillier wrote in his column earlier this year that he he didn't believe in coincidences.

Nor were we surprised that the exact strain of the same virus has cropped up in Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Coincidence that all these countries are enemies of Iraq?

Well, we heard some discomforting news this past week from a CIA official with knowledge of bioterrorism.

Does the CIA believe the West Nile virus is just a natural occurrence?

Source says that CIA experts are not buying official claims the virus is not a bioterrorist act.

CIA source added that, fortunately, the virus does not have a high mortality rate.

Then why was it employed?

An expert says one theory is that the West Nile virus may have been a test run. Iraq or another power may want to see how such a biological agent might spread, and how the U.S. public might react.

Now there are real fears in the CIA about Saddam's efforts to develop other, more serious, biological agents.

Significant evidence indicates, our source reports, that Saddam has been focusing his resources on smallpox, a bug with an extremely high mortality rate and an incubation period that allows it to spread rapidly before health officials can contain it.

The U.S. has only a small reserve of smallpox inoculations and word is that Saddam may be developing a variant strain immune to any available inoculation serum.

CIA source says that one terrorist walking through Chicago's O'Hare airport could unleash a deadly weapon that in a matter of weeks could kill tens of thousands of Americans.
