We're beginning to thin out...


New member
I don't kow if you've noticed, but daily attendance is definitely on the decline...

Last week, I'm pretty sure we averaged 400+ online members and guests.

Now it's barely 300. :(

Hope it's more of the shopping that's taking its toll. ;)


New member
I was starting to notice the same thing. I guess that some people don't want to watch when the "lights" go out on this site..

It sounds like alot of them are heeding Rich's words.
.... I encourage each of you to go forth and multiply.


New member
I think a lot of folks are doing pretty much like I've done.

I keep checking here daily to see if there are any updates on the new forum started by Oleg but at the same time looking and posting at other forums such as Gun-Talk and Family/Freinds/Firearms Forums. I've seen a few of names of the folks here and the folks out at the other forums really have done a great job to welcome us.

As for posting, not really too many because if I'm not mistaken everything will become part of an archive. And of course the sadness of leaving this place. Even though the new "house" will have the same family, it won't be the same place.

But then as we all learn sooner of later, especially Military folks, "Home is where the heart is".

Good Shooting
Yep, the herd is beginning to migrate.

I'm here until the waterhole goes dry, or a lion gets me.

Which ever comes first. :)


New member
Maybe some have forgotten that weekends are light, this is a busy time for most families, and other stuff happens....


New member
Wait a minute!!!

But that doesn't mean the excellent posts that TFLr's are known for would have to dry up too... :(

I see this as a chance for all of us to go out with a 'big bang' so to speak, with the last few threads that could still be generated by the memberships' truly fertile minds...

<sigh> I really miss this site already... :(


New member
Haven't gone anywhere new, just doing the regular thing until 'the announcement'. Going to enjoy this place while I still can.


New member
Gonna stick around too. <opens tote> brought some jerky, beans and coffee.

Job didn't pan out, live alone, holidays...well
been looking at old stuff, gotta a lot to learn-always will
always did hang with the older crowd
<opens jerky> anybody want some?


New member
A lot of people doing last minute shopping and running around. Some people taking the week off and visiting relatives. Other people standing in line at the post office thinking they still have a chance to get that package across the country in time :mad:

I've run into all three types of people in just the past couple of days.

Bet yes, it seems like some people are bugging out before the lights turn off. I think it's a mistake, especially until everybody finds out where the new watering hole is at.


New member

Beef :D
guess I'll make the coffee...
dang, did I forget the chocolate chop cookies...?


New member
I've cruised *a lot* of boards since getting into the "forum thing" on the internet over the past couple of years since joing TFL, but found none which I enjoyed as much.

During the summer riding season, I tend to migrate to some of the motorcycle forums I belong to & visit the firearm boards less.

Surprisingly, when checking my own profile the other day I noticed I still averaged just over a post a day since joining. I guess I found more to say that I thought I did.

Oh well. <sigh> I'll be visiting at least once a day or so (unless I'm not home) until Rich announces last call & starts folding up the chairs. By then, I hope the new board is up & we are all over there.

But even after we move, I'll probably "drive by" here often & have a look around at the memories.


I've looked around at some of the other suggested sites. I registered at thefiringrange, but that's it so far. Nothing really grabs me yet, so I'm hanging in here until Oleg's site is up.

Rich, this is a one-of-a-kind place.

El Rojo

New member
I think I felt violated or some other liberal type word. So true, I haven't been around as much. However, what did I do Friday after work with only about two hours of day light left? I packed up my M1A, My Wife, and Her M1 Garand and went and did some shooting! It was fun. I need to get out and shoot more.


New member
Things may be thinning out now but it's sheer joy to see Oleg and the key folks driving to set something up by Christmas Day. If nothing else, I keed checking back to see if there's any status on the new site, it's name and it's URL. Surviving the demise of TFL and getting this new URL together seem to have taken priority over most everything else.

This is truly a tribe...all of us and all or our diverse views but with one common love....guns and everything about them.

While I check out a few other sites, mainly AR15.com and Packing.org, this is the spot a love best.

Oleg and team are going to create a suitable board and I thing we'll be happy there. Sounds like we''ll likely get to keep our name / handle as well.