We're All Terrorists!


New member
I know there have been several threads recently regarding inane comments by anti's. However, when I read this, I could not believe someone could even think this. And the fact that the Seattle Post Intelligencer would even print such tripe is disturbing. This was in the letters to the editor in today's edition:

Don't ignore the thousands who were killed by guns
As we make our preparations for the commemorations and memorials for the 3,000 Americans who were killed in the terrorist attacks in September, let's not forget that since that time, more than 10 times as many Americans have been killed by our own home-grown terrorists: American gun owners. Where is the memorial for those victims?

(I deleted the name attached to this letter but it's listed in the letters if that really matters.)

The web address is:


New member
So 30,000 Americans have died of gunshots in the last year?
Why do I find this hard to swallow.

I knew I shouldn't have opened this thread.:mad:


New member
Their site is slow as mole-asses.... Somebody here playing with them? :D

I think we should all e-mail that person or the paper and demand to know the source of that number.

Perhaps a class-action suit for libel? bwahahahaha wouldn't that be funny.
Of course, among those "victims" are criminals killed by citizens who were acting in self defense. Then again, those who cite statistics don't necessarily explain them fully.:rolleyes:


New member
Well, that number is about right. Roughly 32,000 a year or so. (number is a couple years old). Something like 18,000 of those are suicides though. Anumber of them are law enforcement. Another chunk is homicide, another accidents, etc...

The surest means of reducing your risk of death by violent crime is to not have affairs with married folks if you are single, and to not screw around on your spouse if you aren't. Won't say it has anything to do with being killed with a gun, but it's the highest probability route to being on the wrong end of a murder.

I think too many people don't realise how cushy it is in america and need to relax and stop thinking every statistic will happen to them. And maybe turn off the news so as not to get their 30-60 minute doees of concentrated evil everyday.


New member
Ah, but the number is probably not correct. That person claims they were killed by american gun *owners*. I'd love to see how he/she figures that all these deaths are caused by owners, not criminals that steal the guns or morons that 'borrow' the guns from the real owner.

Sam Adams

New member
Typical lieberal solution to a problem - blame a whole class of people, preferably law-abiding, taxpaying, generally conservative people.

Let's assume that the approximately 32,000 deaths related to guns were all committed by a separate, previously law-abiding, gunowner without justification. This means no double, triple, etc. murderers, and no suicides, no murders by criminals, no killings by police and no justifiable homicides of any kind. Nope, I'm talking about Jack Armstrong, all-American guy (with a gun), going out and murdering his neighbor for no good reason. Since there are roughly 80,000,000 gun owners, this would mean that 0.04% of all gun owners had done something grievously wrong. The other 99.96% would be totally innocent. Morons like the author of this piece (of dung) article would obviously like to disarm the 99.96%. Yet, those same morons will scream bloody murder about capital punishment which nearly reverses those figures (i.e. the vast majority of those executed are, in fact, guilty).

Just a tad inconsistent, like most of the rest of the arguments of the anti-gun crowd. I'm sure that, quite in keeping with their inconsistencies elsewhere, they decry gun ownership but own guns in staggering numbers.


New member
The 20,000 annual suicides are committed by American gun owners, except those immigrant aliens who commit suicide. The trick is in the wording, but their statement is true if you include all firearms related deaths, be they intentional, accidental, justifable, or not.


New member
And the idiot author is a terrorist as he is a part of the group of car owners that killed 20 times as many Americans as the 9/11 attacks. :mad: Clearly an amoeba in search of more complex life forms.


New member
Re: car accidents

There were around 42,000 traffic deaths in the USA in 2001 (or 2000?), about 15 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Compared to 7,500 / 9 per 100,000 in Germany. Which might mean "less speed limits, less traffic deaths." ;)