Went to the range today


New member
I went to the range today to try out my .223 hand loads for my Savage 12. I am still working on a final load.

However, while at the bench rest range by myself I saw some brass laying on the concrete. I scored some .223, 9mm and .45ACP. Not a lot but if you leave with more then you came with then that is SUCCESS. So I decided to head further into the property at a few of the other ranges. I parked and low and behold there was a father with his daughter shooting a bolt action .22. I just waved and smiled.

It made me think, my wife and I are expecting our first child. It's a girl. I can't wait to take her to the range. Brought a tear to my eye.

Waiting with anticipation. :)


New member
...but if you leave with more then you came with then that is SUCCESS.
So true, and especially so with a semi-automatic.

My shooting buddy was my son. He is married and now lives in another state, which is unfortunate for me. :(

Enjoy the times you spend with your children shooting. It is priceless. My two daughters have gone shooting, but the son was the one that really had a strong interest in it.

Every time he visits me, we hit the range and send a lot of lead downrange. :)