Went to the gun store today to get dog food...

Yeah, you read that correctly, a gun store in the area sells raw ground meat for dogs and cats, and that's what I feed Mason...

In any event, it was busy as all get out, primarily people using the range, but I was very surprised to see that they had probably a dozen evil black rifle type firearms on the walls.

They also had a decent supply of semi-automatic handguns but, I kid you not, they had NO revolvers of any kind for sale. The only revolvers in the store were in the range rental case.
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Willie Lowman

New member
Mike, you don't need to lie to make friends. ;)

What kind of prices did they have on the rifles they had in stock? Did you get a look?

Your signature line is awesome, by the way.


Active member
I've been noticing the same thing - a shortage of specifically Smith and Wesson revolvers. However, the "black" rifles that are on the wall are those that no one really wants.


New member
I've seen them on the walls at a couple local gun shops around here also but after I see their asking price, it's no wonder. Windhams for $1499????????? Sorry, but I think the majority of panic buyers have picked up what they wanted.


New member
I also wonder if the people eager to pay huge prices have already done so. There may be more demand out there for ARs and other similarly politically incorrect rifles, but not at current prices.

We may be at the beginning of the panic bubble's bursting.
Sorry, but I think the majority of panic buyers have picked up what they wanted.
Considering the supposed back-orders I have to disagree. Some of those won't be claimed and it will be a mess I think, but this isn't over just yet.


New member
My son went to Cabelas (Rapid City) a couple days ago and just for kicks asked them if they had in ARs (he didn't plan on buying one, he figures if he needs an AR he'll raid my gun safe).

They laughed and pointed the empty wall. Son asked if they had any coming in and they said yes, he could sign the "want" list, but there were about 150 people a head of them.

One of the problems I've been seeing is people buying guns and then not being able to find and ammo.

Even the CMP has been hit hard in the ammo department. They are out of 22 ammo, and started limiting the '06 ammo. They just came out with this Sales Newsletter Yesterday.


Sure glad I cast bullets.


New member
Even the CMP has been hit hard in the ammo department. They are out of 22 ammo, and started limiting the '06 ammo. They just came out with this Sales Newsletter Yesterday.

Interesting. I put in an order for a case of .22 and a couple cans of HXP last week. I knew the .22 was a ways out, but the limits on HXP are new. But then, last I checked there is still military spec .30-06 available from other vendors; it hasn't sold as fast as 5.56.

As for demand remaining steady, my thinking is that there's still plenty of demand at the lower pre-panic prices (or even slightly higher retail prices), but the folks willing to pay $1500 or more for an $800 rifle seem to be drying up fast. As the specter of a ban begins to fade people are willing to spend the time to wait instead of spending the money to have it immediately.

chris in va

New member
They also had a decent supply of semi-automatic handguns but, I kid you not, they had NO revolvers of any kind for sale. The only revolvers in the store were in the range rental case..

Revolvers will probably make a resurgence as they are the only affordable handguns left.