Went to gun show Sat...


New member
And this guy here followed me home.


That's in comparison to my CZ75, they're very similar in size. Also, the P228 is the handgun I've wanted the second longest in my life (The CZ75 being the first handgun I ever said "I WANT!" to)


VERY similar in size.

I like the feel and the trigger feels great, but I haven't had a chance to get out to the range yet :(. I'm hoping I can get out some time this weekend, though that might prove difficult with my work schedule.
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New member
Looking at those pictures reminds me of how high the bore axis is on Sig pistols. From an aesthetics standpoint, the Sig is a much more appealing firearm. From a tactics standpoint, taking into consideration recovery time and recoil control, the CZ is superior. The Omega trigger is decent on the new 75's but Sig is still the master. The trigger is why I still have a 226 and I sold my 92fs! :eek:

Enjoy your new toy. :cool:


New member
I'll have to wait until I get a side by side comparison at the range. Both the DA and SA pull on the Sig are lighter and shorter (DA on CZ SUCKS!) and the Sig has night sights. I doubt I'd ever give up either one though.

And I think the CZ is aesthetically pleasing...


New member
Just noticed this little "nifty" aspect of the 228.


Made in W.Germany. Anybody know when they stopped marking them like that? I didn't think the P228 had been out for that long after the merger of East and West Germany?


New member
I'm the opposite, that photo shows why I think the CZ is a better looking gun than any Sig. The Sig, while fit and finish is nicer, are just so blocky/chunky looking compared to the low bore axis CZ design.

CZ's kind of have a sleeker, meaner, shark-like appearance to me.

Comparing stock triggers though, the Sig is far and away better. You have the best of both worlds!


New member
The CZ definitely has the smoother lines, but the Sig kind of screams "utility," and function over form. And I wish the trigger was as nice as Sig :/. But yes, best of both worlds! Socialist east meets "democratic" (right...) west.