Went and did it...$$$ Ruger .22 time...


Staff In Memoriam
Well Jay's Guns ordered the Ruger I was interested in and called me yesterday... Today we went and inspected and paid for it. $296 total. But I can't have it until Thursday:mad: Some long 3 day wait if you ask me... Than we went for chinese food...


Congrats Brent!
Its already drilled and tapped for scope base I think.
might be enough to put a dog out of misery, butdont think itll stop one of them big pigs!:D


Staff In Memoriam
Yeah it is drilled and tapped and comes with a scope rail too but doubt I will ever use a scope. It is intended to plink but mostly I want it to teach my daughter hand gun skills so she can be a safely armed young woman in a few years. I would dispatch a penned hog with it but not a loose one...:D

chris in va

New member
I had that same exact model.

Oh, you'll want a red dot on there, trust me. Totally transforms the gun into something actually fun.

Mine didn't come drilled so I had to put a Weigand mount on it.

Sold it and bought a Kadet, but that's another story.
When you pick up this gun from your dealer make sure you have him show you how to dissassemble the gun. I love the 2245 but man its tricky to take apart and esspecially put back together if you dont have someone show you in person. You wont be dissapointed in your choice, the ruger will serve you and your daughter for years!


New member
I've been thinking about buying a Ruger .22 for plinking and wasn't really sure which one to get.

I was thinking either the 22/45 P512 Mark III or the MKIII512.

What are the big differences between the 22/45 and the regular Mark III?


New member
What are the big differences between the 22/45 and the regular Mark III?

The grip angle of the 22/45 is designed to duplicate the grip angle of a Model 1911. Also, the mag release, slide stop and safety are in roughly the same location as a Model 1911.


New member
Well, hogdogs since you have to wait to tell us about the the Ruger - how about telling us about the second most important part of your trip - the Chinese buffet! :D

Did management have to roll you out of there or what? :p


New member
Has anybody shot both of the models that I was talking about?

I might just buy the one that feels the best in my hand.


Staff In Memoriam
I behave better in the chinese joint than Ryan's... free steak trimmins coming home to the bulldogs from ryan's is also a weakness...
This chinese place has shrimp a zillion ways, stone crab claws and alaskan crab claws No they don't gotta roll me out... I eat my eleven bucks worth and chill out... 'specially since my mind was on a SWEET BLACK BULL BARREL RUGER .22... momma on the other hand was complaining driving home about being sleepy... than she says... "Maybe I ate too much" (you think!?!) "Again"


New member
In addition to the grip angle, the pistols frames are made of different materials. The 22/45 is polymer, the mark III is steel.

I have shot them both and prefer the mark III. While the 22/45 has the same grip angle as a 1911, the grip is fairly narrow by comparison.

They are both excellent pistols.

chris in va

New member
Keep in mind too, the MkII 22/45's have a fatter grip than the new MkIII's. Less 'lawyer' stuff too.

But you can't change the grip on the 22/45's. You can on the regular Mk models.