Well, now I'm voting for Gore!

Greg Bell

New member
"Al Gore and I respect the Second Amendment right to bear firearms. That's in the Constitution. No hunter, sportsperson or law abiding citizen will lose any rights they have under our proposals,"
Joe Lieberman

How long should I hold my breath before I will believe this? :(

[This message has been edited by Greg Bell (edited November 02, 2000).]


New member
I believe them!

And I'm NOT being scarcastic!

The key part of his statement is, "lose any rights they have".

Gore and Lieberman have made it clear over and over again that they feel the following would not violate anyone's rights:
- License all gun owners.
- Register all guns.
- Background checks everywhere.
- Training requirements.
- Banning CCW permits.
- Adding taxes, fees, etc.
- Limiting purchases to one per month / year.
- Banning junk guns.
- Banning "assault weapons".
- Banning anything that can't specifically be used for hunting.
- Banning .50 cal and "sniper rifles".
- Banning "cop killer bullets".
- Sueing gun manufacturers, distributers, and retailers.

From a U.S. vs. Emerson perspective, Gore has made it clear that individual citizens do not have an individual right to keep and bear arms. Therefore, he could ban ALL guns and citizens would not "lose any rights they have".

"No new gun control"? Yea, right.