Well, my company didnt get shot up on thursday...

urban assault

New member
As I recounted earlier in the week, an employee who was let go said he was going to shoot us all on Thursday. Obviously, it didnt happen. We are still on a high alert and myself and other co-workers are bringing guns into our work(I carry everyday anyway). There have been no further threats or sightings of the nutjob. If anything happens regarding this incident in the future, I will post it here. Thank you all so very much for your concern and advice in this very stressful time. This forum has some of the best folks on the web and I am proud to be a member. Thank you....



New member
Stay on your toes.He may have cooled off but if he can not find a new job or doesn't like his new job he could get pissed again.
Be aware and good luck.

Mal H

No, CSO, he is in Oregon.

Like the other thread on this topic, this belongs in the General Discussion forum...

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Work place shootings have happened as long as two years after the person was asked to leave.

NEVER let your Guard Down. Never.

I'ld file for a restraining order, pronto.


New member
Thank god nothing happened.

Please stay on the alert as the other members have advised.
You never know if nutjob will come back.

good luck and take care.
Expect the unexpected. Always. As Marcinko says, "Never assume." Perhaps the atmosphere at your workplace isn't as tense as it was last week, but, just like in boxing, it's the punch you don't see coming . . .

All in all, it sounds as though you and your colleagues pulled together. Your boss sounded level-headed, too, with his willingness to allow firearms into the business. Unfortunately, I'm in a gun-free working environment (lowly English teacher) and am a bit envious of those of you who can carry on the job.

Stay sharp, accurate, and fast, urban assault.


New member

I'm glad that nothing happened at your work place this week. I'm sure that you heard about the unfortuant incident in Il just today. I heard one interesting fact about this shooting that you realy need to keep in mind. The shooter in Il had been fired 6 YEARS AGO. He was found guilty of stealing diesl motors from the company and was due to turn himself in to the prison authorities the next day.

Don't let yourself get complacent becuse nothing happend today or this week. The littlest thing might set this nutjob off and when he comes a calling a year or more from now you need to be ready.