Well, I scared myself yesterday!


New member
Well, I scared myself yesterday!


I had the the old office issue Rem 870 with 14" barrel out, and was shooting some reduced recoil 12GA 00, and somehow several 3" magnums got mixed in with the reduced 2 3/4 stuff!

This gun is an "old" 870 chambered for 2 3/4 only.

The first magnum I shot by accident, gave me quite a kick, and I stopped and wondered why I was having to pry the plastic case out of the ejection port...as it was a green case just like the other stuff..

So after looking closely at it, I realized what I had done, aand I

figured a stray made it's way into the open top of the case..

5-10 rounds later, same thing again!!

I then emptied out the shell box and individually looked at each shell to make sure there were no more 3" inchers in there..

Scared me.......

Hope I didn't do any damage to the old gun...


New member
Back when I was young and stupid (I'm no longer young), I used a 870 chambered for 2 3/4" with 3" shells. I never even knew that there was a difference, or a potential problem. Sure, a few of the longer shells didn't eject fully, but that problem was solved by racking harder. :D

The gun is very robust. They can modify 2 3/4" guns to handle 3" shells. AFAIK there is nothing done to make the receiver stronger, per se. So things shouldn't blow up on you.

Emphasis on the shouldn't.

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New member

It says someting about the 870's toughness.

Did the shell casings show any damage?

Did you check out the barrel for obstructions after you fired the first oddball?

Always a good idea to do this with any gun to insure no obsructions. :)

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Glad you came out all right. I've heard half a dozen versions of this war story, and most have the shooter stil in possession of the normal complement of fingers and eyes.State of underwear not divulged.

Some have not. One guy was killed here in Md a few years ago, and the cause was either a stoppage in the bbl or a 3" shell in a 2 3/4" chamber. The bbl burst about 5-6" in front of the receiver.

I've said it before, but shotguns and grenades have similar pressures.

Use of 3" shells here is limited. I keep them separate from the shorter stuff by using a different container and even a different coat and vest. BTW, the 20 gauge stuff is also stored separately, for obvious reasons. If for some reason I'm using the 20, different vest, and it's checked before and after for loose rounds.

Incidents like this were more common after WWII, when returning GIS found 2 3/4" heavy duck loads were not to be used in all those "Liberated" Euro shotguns with short chambers. Few of them burst, but recoil was phenomenal, blast was fierce, and many were closeted and forgotten because of same.

You may want to get a smith to check headspace on that before further firing. I tend to overcaution, and gone to funerals of folks who did not....