Well, I did the dirty deed...

Harry Callahan

New member
I broke down and bought my first plastic gun yesterday, a Smith & Wesson M&P40. Never thought I'd do it but my buddy bought the M&P 9mm a couple of months ago. He loves it and it was starting to grow on me too. Can't wait to take her for a ride at the range. Even though I'm more traditional in that I normally go for the all metal guns this one felt great in my hand and it seems like everyone who has one loves them.


New member
Plastic guns are here to stay until the next latest and greatest development finds its way into the mainstream. What gun collector can claim a full, well rounded collection without at least one plastic gun?


Don't be ashamed of your plastic gun. People love to hate them sometimes, but I'm not at all sorry about buying my fantastic plastic G19. They're just so light and handy, I imagine more people would like them if they gave them a try.


New member
There should be room for at least one or two plastic pistol in everyone's safe. I really like revolvers and 1911s but I do have a couple of 9mm M&Ps. They very practical and its comforting to know I have ready access to a hi cap should I need it.


New member
I'm completely sold on them now after knocking them for years. It's amazing how much nicer it is to fire / carry when the grip is 1/8"+ thinner.

I'm also impressed with the striker fire and low mass internal hammer systems. I'll never buy an external hammer again if I can help it :D.


New member
if i had a chance to do it all over again, and provided they were both available at the time, I would have picked a S&W M&P 9mm over my glock 22


New member
I'm hearing great things about the M&P. I want one here pretty soon. Set out to get one the other day but nobody had it in the caliber I was looking for. So, bought a Beretta PX4 9 instead. Also seems to be a great gun. The M&P is next on my little list though.


New member
I remember finally adding my first plastic framed pistol to my working collection.

Now I own 6 of them, 2 each of Glock, S&W/Walther (SW99's) and now M&P's. I'm even planning to pick up yet another M&P.

That said, my 'traditionalist' side still tends to favor all-metal pistols.

That doesn't mean a well-designed and manufactured pistol which uses a plastic frame can't fill a practical and reasonable service role, though.


New member
I dont like poly guns and never will. But, my buddy did get a new 3.8 xd40 compact that I was looking at. I liked it until we compared it to my sig 220 carry which is bigger, all metal, and it was lighter.

So, I dont really understand the concept of poly guns if they dont really have a advantage over a metal gun.


New member
Congrats on your ner M&P.

I had doubts about owning a plastic gun myself. I bought a 9VE in January and it runs like a sewing machine. Lots of fun with it.



New member
That is true, but, I wouldnt call that a advantage over the functioning of the pistol itself.

I wouldn't have until I started toting one around on vacation in the rain on my motorcycle. Used to have to wipe down and oil my 1911 every time it sprinkled to prevent rust. Not ideal when you're camping in a public park at night and only have 10w40 from your engine case to lubricate it.

With my M&P, I just make sure there's a round chambered and forget about it.