Well finally drew some blood with the 5R.


New member


Shot that big sucker at 253yds with a 175gr berger BT LR right at the top of the neck...he didn't move an inch. Not bad for a target round ;) whish he would've been further 253yds just seems like a chip shot for an animal of this size. Right at 1.2 mils figured it would be a little high which it was but i think it worked in my favor.


New member
Nice shot there! Its not easy taking game at that distance. At least for me lol And thats a good looking area you have there


New member
"chip shot" is relevant to your level of comfort and skill. 10 years ago I would tell the story like I made a mile long shot to harvest one clean at 250 yards. That 250 yards would've probably got stretched to at least 350:D

These days, though, I'm with you. 250 isn't a big deal. Only a marginal wind call is needed unless you're shooting in a hurricane.


New member
Thanks man! Yeah it pays off to be a farmers son. Love that place guaranteed to see deer almost every time. Was intending to shoot a doe but he walked out and i could resist. Got too many does out there right now, they took out near 50 acres of corn/beans last year. Time to do some cleansing hehe

Yeah wind was really light, didn't need to hold much
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