Well, at least it wasn't a Glock.


New member

Cop bleeds to death from self-inflicted wound

November 07 2002 at 12:16PM

South Africa:

A 36-year-old Gauteng police reservist bled to death in his car at White River after shooting himself in the thigh by accident, said Mpumalanga police on Thursday.

Captain Mtsholi Bhembe said the reservist, driving his private car, and a male colleague were en route to the Kruger Park on Wednesday and stopped at a White River gunshop where he bought ammunition for his Norinco 9mm pistol.

He then stopped the car in Kruger Park Street and began loading his pistol with the new ammunition.

A shot went off and the bullet severed the femoral artery.

He was driven to the White River clinic but pronounced dead on arrival.

Doctors estimated that he lost about two litres of blood from the torn artery.

An inquest into the incident would be held, said Bhembe. -


New member

I witnessed an officer start to unload his duty ammo from his glock, and it went off. You know why? BECAUSE HE HAD HIS FINGER ON THE TRIGGER!


New member
It is always sad when something like this happens.

I have never seen so much strange gun handeling and carrying from LEO as I did in South Africa.
When I was there in September i got to talk to quite a few of them.
As far as I heard, they don't get much range time and ammo.
Their salary is so low that they realy can't afford to buy a lot of ammo to participate in sports/recreational shooting.
It looked like they have to buy equipment themselves. (Atleast holsters).
I saw one uniformed cop carrying a pistol in a small of the back holster, on his hip!!!! :rolleyes: Well, it might be good for drawing when seated in a car??? :confused: But, he would have to bend his wrist at an awfull angle to draw the gun. :(

And... some of those I talked to, came to the IPSC Worldshoot to watch to learn tactics!!!
Oh well...

But, some of the LE units does have the equipment!
Went through a drug checkpoint. They searched the car, and I later learned what happens to people that craches through the checkpoint, and manages to outrun all the automatic rifles they have... About 1 km down the road, there is posted a belt fed machine gun... :D



New member
One of those things that is both sad and (pathetically) funny at the same time.
Lack of live ammo practice should really not affect safety skills. Those are mostly common sense anyways.
BTW, what is an FTU?

Stay Low

New member
Some time ago (year or so?) there was a cop in my town who shot himself in the head "while he was cleaning his gun." He, or his family, as reported in the daily fish wrapper, was gonna sue the department for not teaching him how to properly clean his pistol. I'm not the smartest dude around but you can bet I'm gonna take the frikin bullets out first or, at least, not point the frikin thing at my head while I swab it down!!!!


New member
Someone on the board, please remind me what the safety rules all, because for this to happen, he needed to violate at least 3???

Want to play count the rules he broke?

Well, first, obviously the gun is loaded, he was loading it! But that didn't seem to register.

Second, FINGER ON THE TRIGGER!! That's the worst one right?

Third, be sure of your target??

Did he ever learn the word muzzle control?

This is sad and tragic...