Welcome to Wyoming...this is how WE roll!!!


New member
Hans Hunt is my local state represenative down in Cheyenne. God bless this man and I am damn proud to have voted for him last November. When someone moves here, it's probably because it's a good place to live and the way we have lived here has made it what it is. Now when some left wing liberal starts moving in here, that's bad enough, but when they go around spouting off that we need to change our laws to become more like the places they left, that's when we have our non-PC way of telling them to go pound sand!!! As long as I live here and as long as Mr. Hunt is running for office, I can assure you he has my vote!!!!

Cheyenne resident Audette Fulbright and her family moved here last August from Roanoke, Virginia so that she could take over a preaching position at a local church.

Read the entire exchange at http://www.kgwn.tv/story/21088461/state-representative-under-fire-for-letter
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New member
That is an awesome story. If only my representatives would be so bold. All of this political correctness is driving me insane.


New member
Beautiful. Lifelong Wyoming resident here. I have spent some time working for a current state senator (don't want to put his name on the Internet) and he's just like that. True to his constituents. I was organizing his paperwork last summer and found a stack of emailed letters from constituents - heavily annotated by him, by hand.


New member
I am pretty happy with Missouri, so far, but should I ever grow dissatisfied with living here, I will have to give Wyoming some serious consideration.


New member
I disagree.

That kid's (he's very young) response was immature, rude, and counter-productive. In no way does it reflect Wyoming values.

He got a polite letter from a constituent, who disagrees with him. He writes back like he's a 12-year-old on a playground.

I mean, "Wyoming! Love it or leave it!"? Please. Completely puerile. That's not the way it works here, or anywhere. Wyoming (and any state, and this entire country) is made up of people of divergent views, who bump up against each other, argue, take votes, try to convince one another, talk, etc., and finally settle on something. This isn't a place where people with different opinions have to shut up or leave. The place the boy is talking about is China. Not Wyoming.

He can barely be bothered to state his position, or the reasons for his position. He doesn't seem to have any...other than that he was born in Wyoming. So what? I was too. First, that's an accident, not a policy decision. Second, there are just as many idiots born here as anywhere else (I sure have my moments). Third, it means nothing. If he wishes to get personal (which is really the root of his mistake), I've seen more of this state, met more of its people, than he may in his whole life. So, let's see, does that mean he should defer to me on every decision? Somehow, I doubt he thinks that.

His approach is that of a ignorant bully, who wants to shout someone down. A polite letter is "pompous" and the writer must be a "liberal" who is really an "out of stater." Leaving aside how much it peeves me that he talks to a constituent -- a minister! -- this way, all he is doing is dreaming up cliched insults, which leads you to believe he can't really articulate why he takes the position he takes. From his snotty letter, I presume he doesn't have the horsepower to explain why he will vote the way he does, as it looks like merely one voice of mild dissent drives him nuts.

I could go on. But suffice it to say: I wouldn't vote for him for dog-catcher until he learns to lead, treat people with respect, and articulate his positions and not his prejudices.

(Needed to add this: the guy's wrong, to boot. The legislature -- a more conservative group you could not find -- didn't pass the gun law the woman asked him to vote against. Apparently, and shockingly, there was a little difference of opinion. Oddly, Mr. Hunt didn't stand up and tell them they all were liberals who ought to leave the state.)
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New member
While I personally like his message, I'm not sure his response is entirely appropriate for a politician. We do live in a country where if people do not like certain laws they can work within the system of government to enact peaceful change. This woman is just writing to an elected official (working within the system) to begin the process of enacting change. Even though I don't live in WY nor agree with her ideas, I would fight for her right to pen such a letter.


New member
I totally agree with his sentiments. We are seeing the same thing with illegal immigratation into this country by those who want to force the rest of us to do things their way according to their beliefs. If they don't like it, they they are free to go back where they came from and I wish they would.
Now,he probably should have worded his reponse better but maybe with all the anti 2A stuff lately, it's likey that his and other offices have been bombarded by antis demanding all sorts of anti gun laws and he has had enough of it.


New member
Well I don't like his letter because he's telling her she should come back here to Virginia! No way do the majority of Virginians feel as she does, probably why she left.

Here's why I think the rest of his letter is completely appropriate:

to expose our children to greater risk in their schools by encouraging more guns on campuses is something that we cannot allow.

Here she puts herself into a positon of authority, as to what will be allowable, without consideration for the rest of her community. Get off your high horse!

We believed it was a good place to raise children. With the recent and reactive expansion of gun laws and the profoundly serious dangers of fracking, we find we are seriously reconsidering our decision, which is wrenching to all of us. However, the safety of our family must come first.

Here she is quite insulting. She suggests that Wyoming isn't the place to raise children. Based on the position of the majority, it's a bad place. At this point, she deserves what she gets (IMHO).

It would be sad to see an exodus of educated, childrearing age adults from Wyoming as a result of poor lawmaking.

Again, she is insulting and denegrating the position of the lawmakers and voters of her area/state.

IMHO her letter was not polite. The proper response from the lawmaker at that point, considering her contempt for the position of her fellow citizens and by an aggragate response from their elected representative, was to suggest that she GTFO.
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New member
Again, she is insulting and denegrating the position of the lawmakers and voters of her area/state.


A. She was in the majority. The law failed. The politician she wrote was in the minority. He was the one who was out of step.

B. If a politician thinks that a constituent who disagrees is "insulting" them, they need to find a new job. ASAP.

C. Her letter was polite. He replied with insults. That gets him or his positions nowhere, and hurts his cause.


New member
C. Her letter was polite. He replied with insults. That gets him or his positions nowhere, and hurts his cause.

That's your opinion. I think you should keep the freak, and send your politician back here to VA. lol

Strafer Gott

New member
There is the ideology of the East showing. It's like a whole 'nuther country. I guess you savages need a little dose of civilization. They have different ideas back East. Never forget!


God Bless that man. Tell it like it is, not P.C. mush. Wish I lived there. Amazing that anyone could criticize the unvarnished truth. Too bad we have members who side in with "they" who are sinking our ship.


New member
There is the ideology of the East showing. It's like a whole 'nuther country. I guess you savages need a little dose of civilization. They have different ideas back East. Never forget!

East? You mean South? We're all good people. Wait, you talking about me, or our latest export to Wyoming? :confused:
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New member

Howdy from around near Lander!

I don't think you really grasp the whole situation. The preacher Lady was threatening her Rep, Mr. Hunt, that if he didn't vote no for HB105 and any fracking bills, she was packing up and convincing others to do the same.

If you threaten someone, don't expect a PC, back-side kissing response.

Rep. Hunt, like many of us long time Wyomingites, are seeing the waves of change from outside intrests, and we are not quite ready to accept some of them.

Take my loacl area, for example. We are seeing huge new homes being built and our main street is busy all day. Where are these folks coming from and what are they doing for a living? Most are comming from the East, with large sums of money, and getting into politics. For example, a recent ex-New York man has been elected to our school board and immediatly after his election wrote a long winded, non-sensical letter to the local paper exclaiming how Wyoming has a "gun-problem"!

Don't get me wrong, It is their right to do so. It is also the right of those who don't want change in Wyoming to oppose their efforts.

Insisting that everyone be PC, just ain't gonna happen. We are, for better or worse, just going to "say it like it is"!
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New member
Hans Hunt is my local state represenative down in Cheyenne

Actually Hans Hunt represents House district 2 of Weston County (Newcastle). He grew up playing with my kids. His father, Tracy Hunt is a rancher/lawyer/County Commissioner of Weston County.

He got a lot of flack for that e-mail, but not from the people of Weston county which is one of the more conservative counties in Wyoming.

His father successfully represented me against the county attorney over some property right issues.

Hunter Customs

New member
My hats off to Mr. Hunt and we need more like him in government, all government.

I was in Wyoming last year, as a matter of fact I went through Newcastle, it would not take much to talk me in to moving to Wyoming.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter