Welcome To TFL


New member
We have a number of new folks due to the downtime at THR.

TFL started in 1999 and earned the reputation as having raised the bar of Internet Gun Forums.
Rich closed the site for short time to attend to S.W.A.T magazine which he purchased. Other members such as Denny here on TFL needed to focus time and energies to this project.

Rich challenged all of TFL to go forth, do go works and continue to raise the bar TFL had set.
Many forums, blogs, websites, books, and other works have bore out of this, and continue to.

THR, is one such challenge when Oleg stepped up and opened THR; providing one home to all the TFL members Jones-ing for a fix of Responsible Firearm Ownership.

One will recognize Staff/Mods and Members on both TFL and THR.

So while we wait for THR to overcome a problem may I suggest you check out the TFL Library and I am going to share a few links to some threads:

Revolver checkout: how to tell if a particular specimen is any good

The LawDog Files - The Definitive Collection:


The Day I Discovered That HCI Wants Me Dead
- by Tamara

Anyone wanna see pics of my Zimbabwe Buff hunt?
– Rich Lucibella

The wisdom of Gale McMillan

New folks bring the ammunition and beer
The official beer of TFL is Shiner Bock.

Just set the 28 gauge loads you brought me on the table to the right of the door as you enter...:)



New member
Thanks for the links!!!!!

Sure do miss Gale McMillan, he was a super man & a wealth of knowledge.

Forgot all about The LawDog Files, going to go back en read em again :p:p


New member
The official beer of TFL is Shiner Bock.
mmmm, Shiner Bock......Gotta love that Texas brew. ;)

nice links...i've been playing around on here for about a year and must have missed a couple of those.


New member
gotta thank Tom Gresham for the link on his site to here.

saved me a lot of wondering what was going on at THR.

and now off to read every post and thread here.

Brian Williams

New member
To all you THR'rs who have wandered in the door, welcome, I started here and went to THR early on after the temporary shutdown of TFL and Now I like to visit once in a while.


New member
Support Group

Is this where THR Anonymous meets for their 12-step plan?

Not that I personally have a problem, you understand, but I have this friend . . .


New member
Ye Dawgies!

Trisha is here!!

Ya'll gotta see this tricked out deal Trisha's has that not only makes Espresso, it also reloads .44 mag.
Oh, these are served with Trisha's homemade bread...:)

let me 'splain one more time.

"I am concerned <person name here> has a problem with THR being down and it makes my life unmanageable."

Ya'll ain't got a THR disease unless you have Floppy Discs, CD discs or USB Flashdrives hidden in the toilet tank, with copies of threads.

<sound of scurry, and toilet tank lids being lifted>



New member
Another THR refugee returning for a visit to the TFL fold...

Been a while since I've been to TFL, but it's just as good as I remember it. (And nice to see all the other THR members here, with the cold shakes and ice packs on their heads and everything...)


New member
I was a member of TFL before it closed and THR was spawned. Although I usually head to THR first, I come back to TFL now periodically now that it has opened again. It's good to see the community taking care of itself while something like this is happening.

The Deer Hunter

New member
ArfinGreebly said:
Is this where THR Anonymous meets for their 12-step plan?

Not that I personally have a problem, you understand, but I have this friend . . .

Yes, my friend also has that problem....

anyways, its good to see some "familiar faces" so to speak from over at THR.


New member
Hmmm. Back where I started. Joined TFL in July, 2000, and migrated to THR when TFL took its hiatus. So I'm not a newbie here (still check in on occasion) ... just "back in town." Thanks for the welcome!


New member
Stumbled onto TFL in 2001. I never posted much, more lurking, but was always impressed with the wisdom here, as well as with Rich's notion about and insistence that this be an adult forum, high minded and polite. TFL tipped more than a few fence sitters our way.

The fact that THR and APS are spinoffs from TFL are the fine examples of the breaking of the stereotype of most folks who believe in the importance of our firearm freedoms. Both THR and APS are testament to Rich Lucibella. We are also grateful for Oleg and Derek as well.


New member
Rich's notion about and insistence that this be an adult forum, high minded and polite.

What a really well written mature post.
Thank you.

Only problem is we gots folks feeling down and all.
I am a big believer in positive attitudes and humor keeping folks healthy.

Steve ain't gonna do what I think he is gonna do
Sure I am, this is what I do best.




Hey don't blame me, take a look at the fellow that posted that thread.

I may be dumb, I ain't stupid, I know to take cover and big cover is better.



New member
I'm glad there has been someplace to hang my shingle, but I do hope the problems at THR are only a hiccup and nothing worse...
Long live all those who have been inspired to found, administrate, moderate & maintain TFL & THR!


New member
Steve, Well, I meant high minded and polite only in so far as just about everybody except the usual suspects :D that exist to tickle the ole' funny bone from time to time, doncha know? :p

Working Man

New member
Is this where THR Anonymous meets for their 12-step plan?

Step 1, buy more guns.... step 2, buy more guns... step 3... oh never mind.
Should a 12 step program increase the addiction? :confused:

I'm sorry it took me so long to log in here.... nice place.