Weird phone call - should I worry?

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New member
I got an interesting phone call earlier this evening -

No one on the line answered my repeated "hello" so I started listening... I could hear static and multiple conversations in the background. Sounded like Spanish, but I wasn't sure - the cadence sounded Indian or Pakistani.

I figured it was a sales call, so I waited to tell them to quit calling me and put me on their "do not call list," as is my usual practice lately. Waited a full two minutes or so and then an American sounding female voice came on and said - "You can hold the phone.... Dead man." And the line was disconnected.

It was unsettling at least.

Anyone else experience something similar lately?

And what dya think it will (or should) do to my CCW rate? ;)

Travis Bickle

New member
It's hard to say.

But do be aware that there are people who do what I have heard called a "mind f**k". It's a particularly sophisticated version of a prank phone call, but the twist is, it goes beyond 'Do you have Prince Albert in a can' to the truly disturbing. Done also with letters, too, sometimes. Don't ask me why, I just know that there are people who like to do that.

They understand what affects people, deep down, psychologically. Sounds like they did it to you. The hallmark of the calls are just a few, truly disturbing words. They know the effect the words will have, and they like it. Part of the key to it is to leave the 'victim' truly baffled and confused and disturbed.

I got a call similar to that years ago. With background conversations. I thought it was a telemarketer. Silence, and then a truly bizarre monologue. Didn't threaten me, per se, but it was enough to make me pop the tape out of my answering machine and analyze the background sound on a high-quality system with headphones.

But do beware of the mind f**kers. They don't seem to want to do physical harm, but do want to do mess with people psychologically. I don't know why they do it, but it is very dark side. Know that what they aim to do is exactly what they do. They want to disturb people and confuse them.


New member
But do beware of the mind f**kers. They don't seem to want to do physical harm, but do want to do mess with people psychologically. I don't know why they do it, but it is very dark side.

+1. Worse, IMHO.

If no one answers within a few seconds, the phone goes back up on the hook.

Blue Heeler

My answerphone is on all the time. Stops the telemarketers a treat. Don't seem to get any weirdo calls, people in these parts have either got too much to do or don't have the inclination to make stupid calls.
My advice is to forget about it and install an answerphone - If anyone you know doesn't know how to use an answerphone then they're probably too silly to be talking to anyway.

Paul B.

New member
I had some guy call up close to midnight about a year ago. Told me he was coming over to kick my ass. He even gave my name and address to prove he wasn't joking. I called the Sheriff's office (Good old 911, dial a prayer :barf: ) and they said there was nothing they could do until he actually showed up at the house. I didn't anything to them, but I decided if they had to come to the house, it would be to haul the body away. FWIW, whoever it was turned out to be a no show. Very :cool: in my estimation, even if I did have a fairly sleepless night.
Paul B.


New member
One thing that I have experienced is when the doofus falls asleep for a few seconds . The auto dialer gets my number but the idiot is busy doing something else and does not hear me say hello . There is background noise for a bit and then all of a sudden some jerk wakes up and mis-pronounces my name . CLICK!!!

Avid Concealer

New member
Haha, I wouldn't worry about it. I carry my gun all over my home anyway, sleep next to it, and cook with it concealed on my person. The only time that I don't have my gun is when I'm taking a shower basically, that or in class. It was probably a prank phone call. People are stupid and they get bored and find even stupid things to do. When answer my phone, and I don't know who it is, I say hello one time and if I hear no reply within 3 seconds I hang up.


New member
Why did you wait a full two minutes? If I don't get a reply within 10-15 seconds, I am gone.

I am inclined to agree with Travis Bickle. The best thing to do is write it off as a particularly vicious prank. But if I was old enough to have a CCW, my carry rates would go up, just because an unknown person has my number, at least.

And next time, don't hold on that long :) ;)


New member
I've gotten some like that before also.

Telemarketer calls. I answer. TM is so busy talking to someone else they ignore me when I answer.

"Dead man" may be nothing more than telemarketer jargon for a dead connection - someone just holding the line open - answering machine, etc.

Most likely the language in the background was Indian. With voice over IP, outsourcing phone support/solicitation to India is very cost effective.

Get on the national do-not-call list,,,one of the few good lists in the world and pick up a cheap answering machine to screen calls with.


New member

Three seconds? You are very accommodating and invite abuse. I say " Hello," and if if I don't get an immediate reply, I take it as an insult or a telemarketer who is handling more than one line at a time, and hang up. I have occasionally done that even when I thought I knew who it was. Why encourage impolite behavior?


New member
Heh, heh - was curious what sort of replies I'd get. Thanks all - you didn't disappoint, some good advice here!

I don't ususally lastmore than a few seconds on a dead line either, find most calls like this the same as Paratrooper and usually respond the same way - I was just in the mood to tell these guys off so I waited in this case and became intrigued trying to figure out what language the background noise was...

The eventually communication was interesting, but doesn't worry me at all. I consider myself fairly safe in my circumstances and if there's someone out there who wants me - they can get in line. Others have already spoken up, lol! I slept well last night and plan to continue doing so... :cool:

Thanks for the guesses as to who/what this may have been - some that I hadn't thought of.

Avid Concealer

New member
Model520Fan said:
Three seconds? You are very accommodating and invite abuse. I say " Hello," and if if I don't get an immediate reply, I take it as an insult or a telemarketer who is handling more than one line at a time, and hang up. I have occasionally done that even when I thought I knew who it was. Why encourage impolite behavior?

You aren't making any sense. Who's being impolite? Are you referring to me saying hello once then waiting and hanging up if I thought I knew who the person was? Please clarify.


Caller ID and Security Block are inexpensive :).

When I had a landline this is what I had. If the caller blocked their number, it wouldn't let the call through until the unblocked their number. And numbers that were unblocked has a special ring tone to let me know that it was a blocked number.


Oh, I wouldn't worry about it. Just carry and use if need be.


New member
Bit of a side note - my caller ID doesn't work in conjunction with the box hooked up to my computer that rings the line while I'm on the internet... Not gonna give up my dial up just to know who's callin' while I surf. ;)


New member
I would not wory about. I hate to admit but when i was a young we used to do some prety bad prank calls somewhat similar to the one you got. We would look someone up in the phone book and call during the day and ask for the mans name in the book, and when wife said he was at work we would begain to tell her we were HR and he needs to come pick up his stuff becaus he was laid of two weeks ago. Sometimes they would by it sometimes they wouldent. Kids like us then and ones now get the ideas of webpages and what not and have to imulate it. I am not saying its right but that is probably what it was, and dont get freaked out if they know your adress, there in the phone book and easly found on the internet, and they probably arnt old enough to drive.


New member
maybee it was bart simpson - gives you a good reason to pack DAILY !!!
this thread scared me enough that i be packin.


New member
Everyone get stupid calls

I mean everyone gets them. :mad: So you'r just always on guard nothing new this is why we are a band of gun owning brothers right ;) I have bars on windows and doors and always am armed. :) I second the answering machine I use it 100% of the time screen all incoming calls. Phone threats I just blowoff but I still keep on guard. :rolleyes:
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