Weird blue ball-tip self defense bullet?


New member
My buddy showed me his new carry piece today, it was a full size CZ.
I ejected the magazine and racked the slide to check the action/chamber and noticed something weird.

He loaded his magazine with some kind of bullet with a blue tip shaping like a ball. I've never seen anything like that before so I asked my buddy what it was. All he told me was that it was the bullet made for urban environment and the ball tip will not penetrate the wall after hitting the bad guy.

Now, I've been worrying about the collateral damage it might cause if I am forced to shoot in a dense populated area, this might be exactly what I am looking for.

I didn't have the time to ask him where can I get the bullet nor did I asked him about the name of the bread (dumb me). So for you smart and knowledgeable fellas, WHAT IS IT ? and How do you like it? Would it be a good choice for SD ammo in a populated area? or it doesn't provide enough power to stop the bad guy?

Share your thought. :)
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New member
Yes, sound like the Pow'r Ball. It may be the greatest thing since fried chicken, but it kinda rubs on my distrust for non-mainstream and non-tried and true gimmicky stuff.

If you want it, don't let me be the one to talk you out of it- but buy enough to practice well with it. As for me, I feel perfectly safe sticking with the established standards: Golden Saber, Gold Dot, and Hydra Shock because I know they have a proven track record.

Check out this thread...


New member
All the powerball is is a jacketed hollowpoint with a plastic cap on the tip which supposedly helps it feed in semiautos. It is really nothing weird or wild at all. Prolly just gimicky marketing is my guess.

+1 on Gold dot and Hydra shok -- will do the job.


michael t

New member
Its the glasser They have lousy penteration and most experts say don't use them for SD. If they hit wall at a 90degree they will blow thru dry wall very expense and I doubt you friend has fired enough of them to prove relieable . I tried them and was not relieable in my auto. at about 20 or so dollars for 6 I don't think he tested them say 100 or 200 rounds. He better off with a good old HP


New member
I would maybe feel safer using the revolver Glasers as compared to the auto versions. As they are very light bullets and have greater pressures and muzzle velocity. The auto pistol system is sorta balanced up to a point, if you mess with that balance of bullet weight and pressures you might have problems. Only way to know is to fire a few at least, if not alot, and with the exotic ammo, you gotta be rich to do that. So you can figure maybe the QC of the ammo for the price is pretty good, no problems there probably, but you just don't know about it 100% and have to take it on faith that the auto will function fine with it. For SD you don't want to just take your ammo on faith and what it says in the magazines.


New member

From the picture you posted, I am fairly certain it's the one!

I guess they are pretty expensive...on a second thought, I am not sure all the small pellet would make a great SD choice in a populated environment, however, I think it will be okay to be use in my condo. There are 6 units on my side of the building, if I do fire in a HD situation, I want to avoid the collateral damages.


New member
Yeah, Glaser frangibles methinks...

I'm not a fan either, for the various reasons mentioned above. I prefer good ol' JHPs.


New member
Long time ago when I brother was in college a friend of his

decided to show off my brothers 9mm tarus... made the classic novice mistake of racking a round out then dropping the mag... then pulled the trigger... BOOM... good news was the gun was not pointed at anyone.... round, which was one of these ... went through one piece of sheet rock but not out the other side....

Bart Noir

New member
Your brother was in college and could afford a double-stack magazine full of Glaser rounds?!

Is there a smilie for extreme envy? I could hardly afford a few .22 rounds.

Bart Noir
Who is glad nobody was hurt by that 'oops'. Except maybe their hearing.


My buddy showed me his new carry piece today, it was a full size CZ.
I ejected the magazine and tacked the slide to check the action/chamber and noticed something weird.

Share your thought.

I'm thinking your buddy was pretty stupid for handing a loaded gun to you to look at, but that's just me.

michael t

New member
I want to avoid the collateral damages.
So you will risk you life and lives of your family ` To advoid collateral damage

Would it be a good choice for SD ammo in a populated area? or it doesn't provide enough power to stop the bad guy?

You have been told by many here they are not the answer and lack penatration. In other words not likely to stop a bad guy
Get a good HP Their is no magic bullet But a HP and proper shot placement lessens your worries a lot.


New member
Several years back, a fellow Deputy Sheriff I had known quite a while and went shooting with countless times, Killed himself with a Glock 17 and a round of the older Glaser flat nose. I noticed at the viewing that they had to
make him a new mustache and eye brows . He had placed the muzzle against the skin between the eyebrows/bridge of the nose area. Muzzle blast and Glaser bullet did massive damage, and nothing exited the back of the head.

Glaser was the original bullet conceived for the Sky Marshall program of the 1960's/1970's


New member
Glaser round. I saw a guy get shot through a denim jacket with a 9mm from an H&K 94 rifle. He was dead before he hit the floor. Made a big mess of the guy and the floor.

They are safe indoors and your likely range for a defensive shot is pretty short so they have loads of power. I have heard of them not penetrating and if there is body armor involved forget it. I have seen many shots with them and never seen a problem with them doing what they are designed for. I am a big fan of these rounds for HD/SD.

I also like the hydroshock. The nipple inside of the hollow point expands pretty darn good. Not sure how the penetration is. I'll have to try them on some scraps of drywall set up like a wall at HD/SD ranges and find out.

My .02


Lost Sheep

New member
Did he fire 5 or 6? H. Callahan?

tdrizzle said:
And made its film debut in the original Hannibal Lecter movie Manhunter, with William Petersen using them in a .44 Bulldog to take down Tom Noonan's serial killer. Great movie.
Yeah, I saw that movie for the first time recently. I wound up having to watch it a second time after I noticed that Petersen fired six times without reloading.

For what it's worth.

Lost Sheep