Website to find guides??


New member
Anyone know any good websites to find guides? My hunting buddy and me are looking at a serious guided trip probably 4 years down the road (only way we can save up the money). Most probably archery elk hunt.

Also gives us time to get in better shape. We will both be "around" 50 by then, and figured that was a good excuse to do a once in a lifetime (for us, anyways) full blown pack-in guided hunt.

Looking at Idaho, Montana, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico.

If anyone has used a guide for this, comments on your experience would be welcome.

Finally - how much do you tip a guide if he does a good job or an excellent job? We have to figure that into the savings plan...


New member
I bowhunted on Lynx Creek or Biggs Creek in the Bob Marshall Wilderness for about ten years until the outfitter passed away.We had a great deal where we went in while he was setting up his gun camp and for the most part didn't bother each other.He only charged us $1000.Furnished us food and would haul are meat out but no guide.Sun Canyon Lodge has that camp now and you can find it in a search.It has burned since I was there and I can't tell you what it is like now.My hunting partner killed a huge Elk in the 380 class there.I have been within 100 yards of probably a dozen good 6X6 ,but trying to close that to 40 yards is tough.I have cow called a couple of sattelite bulls within 20 yards but could not get a shot off.I usually would carry three cow calls because they freeze up.One time I had them all frozen and had my pocket knife in one hand to loosen the reed between calls and had a little bull come right in on top of me.Maybe 15 yards.Didn'even have an arrow knocked.Anyhow timing is everything.We tried to go at the dark of the moon as close to Sep.10 as possible.If the weather is cold they will bugle in the mornings until about 9:00.You can find them.If it is warm they will be quiet.Don't expect to bugle an Elk in,but they will answer it and you can find them that way.They usually move up in the mornings to find a cool place to lay down.If you can get ahead of them,you may cow call the bull to you if he thinks one of his harem is getting away.And he may come to a bugle but if you are very close he will more likely move his cows away.It's easier to pick up a satellite bull that thinks there is a lone cow that he can pick out of the herd.Also ,there are mineral licks that they like to wallow in on a hot day.We had more success on these licks than anything else.In my experience,don't expect the guides to be very good at this.They are fine to ride you out on a horse somewhere and drygulch one with a rifle,but you need to learn to call yourself.Get some tapes.Learn what the cows sound like.If you can catch them when the weather is right and they are vocal ,you may very well get one.Even if you don't,being in the middle of a bunch of them is a rush you will never get with a rifle.