Website to check on stolen guns?


New member
I like many others have been the victem of a crime. I lost a Colt 1911 to a burgalry. I was wondering if there is a webpage where I could look to see that it is indeed listed SOMEWHERE as "stolen." I reported it to the police, and I made a police report, so I assume it is somewhere in a data base. Is there somewhere (short of calling the ATF) where a consumer can look up a serial number of a gun (say prior to a private sale purchase) to confirm it is not stolen?


New member
there is no such database available to john q civilian. closest is LEO access
via NCIC database....which is what they use when when they pull it out of
you at a car stop. if you're lucky you may find a local LEO who might run
the serial # for you. when I purchase used/private sale, I'm a bit more
demanding in terms of recording identification of the seller onto the bill of
sale. it's a CYA step.