Web Filters


New member
OK TFLers, heres the deal. We've upgraded our IT system at work and now there will be new Internet Filters going online Monday am. My concern is that "Violence/Profanity" and "Militant/Extremist" are 2 of the general categories of sites that will be blocked. Is this going to end up blocking TFL :confused: ? Anyone else have these type of filters (sorry, I don't have the software name, etc.) and still get TFL? I'd hate to lose you folks on my lunch hour:( !



New member

I'm a computer systems engineer, and several of the products out there will block most or all gun sites...Mine does it if I check the "Crime" box on the filtering software...A really sophiscated setup might work better, but expect that you won't be able to see at least some gun related sites...


New member
I agree with sideshow. It will block all kinds of stuff that you would never think of. I'm a network admin, and I fight tooth and nail to keep those things off my network.

If you don't like what you see, change the channel. If your employees are surfing instead of working, get better supervisors.