Weaver V 12


New member
This scope is in real nice shape, can it take recoil from like a 30-06? . I wish I had my computer up, I'd send pics.
It's nice looking, all steel 4X12x 32 it looks like.
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New member
I would venture a guess and say that it sure ought to be able to stand up to that.

A couple of things to consider are: How was the scope treated and what all was it subjected to through the course of it's life? And- how light is your 30-06? The lighter the rifle, the more effects of recoil not only on you but also the scope.

Those old Weavers were some dang fine scopes for their day!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I've from time to time used Weaver scopes over a sixty-year period. Never had the first sign of a problem with any of them.


New member

When I first got into F-T/R, the only optic I had (out of cash on the build, temporarily) was an old Weaver K-12. So I screwed it on the .308 heavy, zeroed the arrangement, and went to my first match, and across the course mid range. It drew a lot of looks and comments. It rained like a son of a gun the first day. ( it always rains when I shoot a match) No leaks or fogging!

A plastic trim ring fell off the obj lense about half way through day two, but the scope stayed intact and adjustment were repeatable. I likely shot about 300 rds through that set up till I got better glass. I glued the trim ring back with SuperGlue (what else?), put the k12 back on the Ruber 77V where it belonged, rezeroed that, and it still does OK, though the Ruger is largely retired.

My only criticism of the old girl is the optiics are not quite as bright as modern stuff


New member
Weaver's Classic line (V, RV & K series) are darn good scopes. The only real problem is that the company has changed hands so many times that getting an old scope fixed (should it ever break) is a bit challenging. I only own about 6 of them :D.