Weatherby/you get what you pay for!!!


New member
guys just wanted to drop a line, let folks know..
i picked up a used weatherby 300 markV us, the shells looked like head separation (borderline) i went back to gunshop, his smith said rifle was fine:barf: :barf: :barf:
i called weatherby, sent rifle back, a week later a call from them, where do you want your "NEW" rifle shipped? lmao so i said to the women, i have 2 300s already can you send me at least a different caliber? she says as long as its the same retail<LMAO> so i said well i would like another 30-378, i like the one i have alot, she says its $200 more, i said well i had to screw around with mailing that out, wasting money on shells etc etc/ ok we will ship you a new 30-378 no charge:p :p
how can you beat that for customer service??
$500 bucks a new 30-378 rifle LMAO i finally come out ahead, first time in my life..

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Now, that's what I'd call customer service!

My Mark V in '06 is some 30 years old, and I've never had any problem. Good to know that "helpful help" is available.



New member
OK, I have to ask: Is 30/378 an official caliber for Weatherbys now? Wow, what is that - a 220 grain bullet at 4,000 fps or what? That has got to be some flamethrower! :)