Wearing Firearms Related Clothing


New member
To show your support for the firearms industry wear clothing from firearms mfg's over the next few weeks. Make us visible in society so people can see at Walmart and the shopping mall how many people really are honest gun owners. That the guy checking out behind them wearing a S&W Tshirt or Glock Sweatshirt isn't a maniac.

What do you think, good or bad idea?


New member
It will have to be outrageous for anyone to even notice. In this part of the country, you see it all the time as normal dress. There seems to be a lot of camo wear to boot.

I also don't own any type of clothing with labels or associations to it.

Most folks are so wrapped-up in their own little world to where they are oblivious to things around them. Not a good thing since people need to start paying attention to their environment. As we have seen, there are some who should be carefully observed and watched. :(

Ben Towe

New member
Don't know if its good, bad or indifferent... But I don't own any.

Me either. No real need for me to wear it anyway, as the Sig is full view 95% of the time.... I haven't had anyone freak out yet, so that's good.


New member
I don't care who you are or what you do, unless you pay me to advertise for you I am not going to. All my shirts are regular blank ones with a pocket for my phone.


New member
Have a number of TshIrts with firearms logos Wear them frequently. Doubt anyone would even notice. Perhaps in other parts of the country.


New member
Come to think of it, I've been wearing a shirt with a 1911 in public all day. I don't think a single person noticed it.
I only own one firearms manufacturer shirt, a very nice Beretta shirt I got for $5 on sale. I figure an unbranded equivalent would have cost quite a bit more. If they want me to advertise they can compensate me or at least subsidize the clothing.

Metal god

New member
Have a number of TshIrts with firearms logos Wear them frequently. Doubt anyone would even notice. Perhaps in other parts of the country

I don't care who you are or what you do, unless you pay me to advertise for you I am not going to. All my shirts are regular blank ones with a pocket for my phone.

Come to think of it, I've been wearing a shirt with a 1911 in public all day. I don't think a single person noticed it.

So at sporting events or national what ever month you've never noticed most everyone wearing pink ? You may not notice 1 or 2 people doing it but you do when most are .

Well thank goodness we are all ready to come together for the greater good . :rolleyes:

I am so tired of what to me seems like alot of pro gun people thinking "me me me" Lets hope the NRA on Friday does a better job on selling are arguement .



New member
I'm retired and work part time for a lefty lib non-profit community organization. I always carry concealed and many times wear a Mossberg hat. No one has ever said anything about it, but, then, they probably don't even know what Mossberg is! ;)


New member
I don’t generally wear any kind of logoed clothing, but I do have an NRA hat which I occasionally wear. As others have mentioned I’m not sure anyone has ever really paid much attention to it. Of course things might change going forward as the NRA has for some reason become the whipping boy for so many uninformed folks.


New member
I usually don't wear anything firearms related, except maybe a t-shirt at the range. I might consider wearing some 2A gear though if I found something clever.


Quiet professionals...

This subject has come up on TFL & a few other 2A/gun owner message boards.

I'm not really big on becoming a walking billboard for a gun company or shop. Most of my friends & relatives also do not wear clothes with any logos or labels.
In the past(before any high profile incidents) other forum members have stated they didn't want to wear any caps, shirts, jackets etc from gun companies so they weren't seen as a "gun owner" or a "possible threat".
I don't take it that far. I'd wear a SIG Sauer or S&W item if I owned it.
FWIW: I doubt 95% of the US public would even know who Ruger, Browning, Bianchi, Safariland, or CorBon were unless you explained it.
A few people have asked me what 5.11 on my cap is but that's far better than a I don't call 911 shirt.

Don't think that clothes or "dialogue" with change anyone's mind after 20 6 year olds are violently murdered by a nutcase.


New member
I don't own any gun related clothing, don't have any gun related stickers on my truck, and defaced the logos from any gun cases I use at the range (or use generic MTM cases).


New member
One of my favorite Ts is emblazoned with a M16 superimposed over a nautical life ring, with the wording, "Don't Leave Home Without Your Life Preserver". On the back is a listing of lives lost in various historical genocides, attributed to gun control. How very timely.


New member
I have a couple NRA jackets and an NRA sticker on my Jeep.

Over the weekend I wondered if I shouldn't remove the sticker and put the jackets in the closet for now. I decided I'd make a stand... dang it, the lefties might be screaming and yelling for vengeance against NRA members, but I live in a conservative suburb, and I'd make a stand.

I left the sticker on and wore the jackets.

You know what? Not one comment in a store. Not one middle finger on the road. Not one scratch in the paint.

If the feelings and thoughts of the American people have shifted that much, I think I'd have seen at least one. I'd have seen something. I haven't. Nobody notices, nobody comments, none of that.

I'm not sure it's in good taste right now to be super "in one's face," but neither do I think we need to hide all vestige of our beliefs. Most people know it wasn't the tools in the hands, but the evil in the mind that worked the hands that caused such pain. I did not feel any need to be ashamed of my hobbies before the past week... I am seeing that I STILL do not need to be ashamed of standing for my rights.


New member
I won't shut up. I won't hide. And I will not be ashamed of who I am and what I do.

Exactly. I have gun related apparel that I bought or was given to me and I wear it. I do not feel I'm making a statement or making myself a target. I do not feel I am making myself a free walking billboard. It is just who I am and I'm proud of it and my gun ownership. I put it on just like any other piece of clothing without giving it much of a thought. Whether it's a S&W hat or a H.D. hat, or a Badger Hockey hat..........whichever one is close at hand when I reach out for one. I support them all and am not ashamed of it, regardless of what others think. None have even given me an issue, but all have been the cause of a casual conversation with others with similar interests. Others don't notice or don't seem to care. Kinda my intentions.


New member
don't wear any firearm logo tees. I'm with a lot of the others on this. I'm not a walking billboard or a shill for said companies. I will say, however, that I do own a Winchester Legends t-shirt that I got from the thriftstore, but I only wear it at home. to each their own