Wearing firearm paraphernalia

Harry Callahan

New member
In light of the NIU and VT tragedies does everyone still feel comfortable wearing their firearm related hats, jackets, etc? I always do when I can. I've gotten some dirty looks from some people but still feel I need to show support for the shooting sports, RKBA, etc., especially here in Illinois. I try to stimulate discussion to hopefully clear up any misconceptions relatied to our hobby. I've won a couple of people over to our side or have at least cleared up some questions some had which had previously turned some off to the shooting sports. Anybody else have any stories?


Half my wardrobe is gun related. Helps to be in the biz.

SWMBO looks hot in EOTECH shirts too.....

WildharrywhatsizeareyouAlaska TM


New member
My hat says NRA.
The only decal allowed on my truck is the "NRA Life Member" decal. That is just the way it is and it isn't going to change. I've been shown the finger while driving. I just smile and wave back.


New member
Not one for writing or printing on my cloths. I have a Remington hat and my lic. plates on my car are the NRA plates my lic number is Mr Gun. Then I have a IWLA sticker on my lower right hand corner of my back window. The IWLA is lucky i put a sticker on my car because I HATE bumper stickers. I wanted to put 223 Rem or 45 acp on my plates but VA will not let you do it. I was then going to Kimber but there is a guy that has that already he lives about 5 miles down the road from me.



New member
I wear Machine Gun shoot T-shirts all the time and usually get a "Hey, that's pretty cool. Can I come?" type comments, and have never gotten a dirty look or anything negative, even at UT in Austin (although it is Texas.....).

Except once while shooting skeet, some Fudd with a $4,000 O/U made a dumb ass comment about Machine Guns being for "crazed killers" or something to that effect. :rolleyes:


New member
I wear a Winchester and Marlin hats alot.. and somtimes even a Remington hat (shhh! dont tell my pop), but hats are about as far as I go. I dont like wearing shirts with pictures or words on them.

I've never got a strange look or any questions about it.

44 AMP

You bet!

And if anybody says something about it (not likely), just answer that if someone at VT had a (insert gun name here) instead of just a hat or a shirt with the name on it that ther would be a lot more kids alive right now!

When it comes down to it, isn't it really a 1st Amendment issue anyway? Forget the 2nd (just kidding), this is all about my free speech and pursuit of happiness!

Gun names are NOT pornography, they are NOT hate speech, and I find them no more offensive than a shirt that says Nike or Starbucks. If they have a right to theirs, then I have a right to mine.


New member
I wear a couple of hats. One is a Ruger hat, the other one is NRA.
I have 3 T-shirts with gun stuff on them. One of them says "Welcome to my World" that I bought from the NFM in Virginia. I hope that shirt ticks off the anti`s that see it.


New member
I usually wear an NRA camo hat and a Mossy Oak or some such T-shirt. I'd be kinda' out of place around here if I didn't ;)


New member
I blend in to surroundings...
I do not own any camo or gun related hats, or clothing.
I walk into a Gun Store and "sir, the barber shop is 3 blocks down on the right".

I go into a Academy, Gander, or Bass Pro with a younger lady, or younger lady and kid and get a box of .22, with a little cast iron skillet, and box of beef jerky and folks think I am a great dad/uncle/grandpa buying stuff for a kid.
Or "daughter" talked daddy into a box of 45/9mm/44mag...

What guns?

I shoot in private, last public range I went to - folks thought I was the fella there to fix the cash register acting up.
I really do just show up and shoot and "borrow" guns and equipment.
Where I shoot, and assist others.
I look great in a yellow .410 single shot with 70's era tie-dye that shows up under blacklight - my mentor shotgun tool...

It has been over a decade since I shot at a public range- last time out:
"Fella borrowed a gun, some shooting gear and shot 50/50 at skeet, them cash register repair fella's must know something". - onlookers

What guns? I thought only Police and Military could have guns...*wink*
I used to wear one of those black NRA ballcaps with the scrambled eggs on the bill every once in a while, but it got too beat up. I may get another one at some point.


New member
WildwhatsizeareyouAlaska TM

X Large.

I need another long sleeve T with pocket.
Tie-dye that shows up under black-light would be good.

I had some if one were to look just right, might see a 1911, or Lever Action ,or Pump gun in the design...

Like totally awesome dude...

These T shirts worn as a light sweater actually is "blending in" if one sports a old truck, or horse with Lever action in scabbard/ truck seat, cowboy hat and tennis shoes/ leather upper , rubber bottom LL Bean boots or hip waders.

Now folks know how I am able to sneak up on ground hawgs and shoot them with pistols.
I also fire up some old rock-n-roll when I do this...
Pink Floyd is good for the hawgs near the back shed ...Rolling Stones for the back pasture...

Anybody wanna get high? It is ground hawg killing time!

I am currently having to wear a Einstein T shirt with long sleeves...
It does not show under black -light...

.30 cal carbine Ruger Pistols are just too cool on ground hawgs...



New member

In fact, I wear a shirt anytime I have to go to a public/gov't building or facilty that, on the back, reads:

Gun Owner

Crime Victim

Choose one.

There's a "checkmark" next to "Gun Owner."

My wife wears a t-shirt to Petsmart that reads, "We got our cat neutered and now he's a liberal."

We don't own many t-shirts and this is a first for us, what with wearing t-shirts with "messages" on them.

I wear my NRA and HK apparel/caps everywhere. I have a lot of NRA shirts, sweatshirts, etc from my time spent working on their account.

To hell with the anti-gunners.



I got a new truck in August and it immediately, as in at the dealer, in the lot, got a alrge NRA sticker on one side of the rear window, a giant red Ruger eagle and a large USMC round Eagle, Globe and Anchor sticker on the other side. I have a couple Ruger t-shirts I wear and about a dozen old campaign and operations shirts from The Corps. I also picked up these two t-shirts and they have started some good conversations for me!



An older gent and I, both waiting at DMV, had a great conversation about his time in Korea with the Army and he commented on my Thunder Ranch t-shirt (I almost feel like a Mall Ninja wearing it as I've not taken a class with Clint, who is apparently retiring soon! BUT, it's a great quote) by saying something to the effect that advice of the same nature kept him alive.

My wife likes to wear this shirt to the range:


Beats golf pants!


New member
I got a half a dozen "Team S&W" or "Team SMITH AND WESSON" golf shirts that were left over after an event at a local club. They were 2xlt's and the guy was more than willing to let them get way.

I have a leupold hat along with some other less obvious stuff, like Sinclair precision and Stag industries hats, which most people don't get.

The TS&W shirts have gotten me some looks and some comments, most are positive.

I was in line at a grocery store with this candy ass old guy started in on the headlines about professor's family in Connecticut who died in that home invasion, as well as something else in the head lines about what is the world coming to, as well as Darfur. I just said one firearm in the hands of the Civilians would change the headlines 100%. He just launched on me about it. I was not going to fight this 75 year old dandy over it, but just said when Seconds count, the police are minutes away. He just started in again, finally the little girl at the check out just blew up on him, saying it was the 15th anniversary of Tienanmen Square, and did he really think that the police in China would have killed the hundreds and hundreds of students if the students had been armed and would have been able to fight back, (she was obviously chinese and very emotional about the issue, and she shut him up with just one more look)

As I was getting out to the parking lot, I realized his car had official city of Chicago plates on it, and seeing we were in the middle of Minnesota when it happened I would gather he was a politician who needed to get his views changed.