Wear and Tear, Maintenance, etc


New member

I wonder if I can get some feedback from y'all about what to look for as far as wear and tear. I have a Ruger P95 which I bought specifically because of the Ruger reputation for being indestructible.

So I have probably 5000 +/- rounds through it, and so far nary a problem. I clean it every time I shoot, and I keep it lubed, so I'm hoping it will last me a while.

But I'm wondering what I should be looking for in terms of wear. Also, I'm concerned about one thing: Often people on here will claim they have fired "10,000+ rounds without any trouble" from their 1911/G17/whatever. Does that mean that 10K rounds is braggable? Am I halfway to needing a new piece?

What do YOU do to keep your favorite gun in good working order? What do you look for as far as wear?

Thanks in advance



New member
I think 10,000 rounds is just a milestone. If you have an aluminum frame, you may be1/2 to 3/4 of the way to a new gun. Good steel frame guns can last much longer. The biggest maintenance item I buy for my autos is a new recoil spring. I replace the recoil spring every 1000 rounds.
If you have a blued gun the first thing you are going to see is the finish wearing in certain areas. This would be parts of the frame that contact the holster the most, barrel where it rubs on slide, and barrel hood. You will also start to see scratches and dings that you have no idea how they got there but will pi$$ you off to no end.


New member

Since you keep it clean and lubed, the one thing I would suggest is replace your recoil spring very 1-2k rds, as stans noted.

Nothing is for certain with aluminum (or steel) frames as far as longevity is concerned... but anything above 15k is a bonus as far as I'm concerned.


New member
Clean & dry lube the mags occasionally, replace springs.

On my old P95(?) .40cal, the ejector fell off once, I just reinserted it and it's been solid ever since.