Weapons and the law in the USA??


New member
As I doesn't come from the US,
I doesn't know really the US legislation on the weapons

Is somebody could explain it to me ? :)

PS : excuse me for the grammatical mistakes if you could correct me, it would be sympathetic,so that I can progress in the language :)

Fred Hansen

New member
There are well over 10,000 firearms laws in the United States if one includes Federal, State, and local jurisdictions.

I hope you have enough time to get to them all.


New member

It is important to understand that in the United States legal authority for crimes is invested in BOTH the states (each of which may have somewhat different laws) and in the Federal government. Most firearms regulations remains at the state level, although the US Government can -- and does -- have several overriding statutes regarding firearms.

Let me try to make this complex subject a little simpler, with the following illustration concerning the possession of jacketed hollow point handgun (JHP) cartridges (and, please note that I am NOT an attorney, so this illustration is designed to distinguish between state and federal jurisdiction, not to provide definitive legal information):

a) In Virginia, it is legal for most citizens to possess JHP ammunition (state law with no superseding Federal statute).

b) In New Jersey, it is illegal for most citizens to possess JHP ammunition under many circumstances (state law with no superseding Federal statute).

c) Federal law allows citizens to transport JHP ammunition (and handguns) through New Jersey, by complying with several detailed requirements delineated in Title 18, United States Code.

Therefore, if I were driving from Virginia to New Hampshire:

a) It would be legal for me to drive in Virginia with a box of JHP cartridges in my car’s glove compartment (Virginia law).

b) However, it would be illegal for me to do so in New Jersey (New Jersey law).

c) Unless I did so in ways that specifically complied with the Federal Law, therefore protecting me from New Jersey prosecution.

This is a difficult and complex area, particularly for Europeans raised in societies where criminal law is ONLY authorized at the national-level. I hope this simple explanation is useful.


New member
Thank you RWK
I undertand what you mean :)
A type of law is defined on a federal scale (common to all the states)
and then certain states decides creates another law in more of the federal law
In fact Switzerland uses a similar legislative system
I find this system better than french systeme ( it is centralized too much )

What kind of bullet is JHP projectile ( I know FMJ, HP, HPBT bullets ) :confused:


New member
A type of law is defined on a federal scale (common to all the states)
Maybe you are meaning the right thing, but that isn't exactly correct.
A federal law would be prosecuted in the federal system, entirely separate legally (not physically) from a specific state. Yes, the federal law would apply in all states, but it would not be "common" as in absorbed into the state law system.

Our states vary from almost no gun control (MT, WY, AK) to very strict gun control (NJ, CA, IL).

JHP = Jacketed Hollow Point
(the jackets keep them warm in the winter :p :D )


New member
How're the gun laws in France?

Oh, and as for grammatical errors, I'm happy to help:

As I don't come from the US, I don't really know the US legislation on weapons. Could somebody explain it to me ?

PS : Excuse me for the grammatical mistakes. If you could correct me, it would be nice, so that I can progress in the language.

Now, can you help me with my French? :D

buy guns

New member
"Yes I have the time, the next week is an holiday week, thus I will benefit from it to study these texts"

you could say: "yes i have the time, next week is a holiday so it will benefit me to study these texts.

though nobody really talks that proper anyway ;)


New member
Thanks for your help about my grammatical errors :)

to natedog : It will be a pleasure to help you :) ( French is a language very difficult to learn ) so if I can help !!! ;)

The French law about weapons is very hard !!
I have already explian it on the forum here
This is a simplified explanation about the french legislation
If I find a english translation of this law text, I will give the link !! ;)


New member
Or if you from the southern states
As I doesn't come from the US,
See'ins how I ain't from America
I doesn't know really the US legislation on the weapons
I don't hardly even know about American gun laws
Is somebody could explain it to me
One o y'all wanna esplain it to me
Yes I have the time, the next week is an holiday week, thus I will benefit from it to study these texts
I ain't working next week so I can study on it


New member
joab, there are at least 10,000 comedians out of work, and you are not helping the situation any! :mad:


Solidsheep, IGNORE HIM! He's kidding!

I commend you for trying to learn the language correctly. :)


New member
Yes Quartus of course but, if I go to the US for holiday ( maybe in 2/3 year, I am still a student :) ) I should understand everybody in the US :) ;) !!


New member
Why ? they have a special speaking style :rolleyes: :) ?
In all case I am really interested to go in holiday to the US ( the first thing I will do is to visit the NRA Museum :) ! )
but for the moment I have not anough money to do it :,-(


New member
Solidsheep, Dont sweat the language bud, we understand you.

Hardly anyone in america speaks correct English anyway, not even the English teachers ;) . In fact, you could probably live in certain parts of Louisiana and get by without knowing any English :D .

I think the only way to learn another language with all its colloquialisms is to HAVE to speak it. The reason I think this is Ive had lots of Greek and lots of Spanish and I still dont know either as well as you know English now :D .