Weak Mag Spring


New member
What do pistol manufacturers say about this topic? does a magazine spring weaken more when rotating mags than to just leave the mag loaded.:confused:


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Bill Dshivis,

You left me hanging with that answer:) . How will the mag be worked over their parameter more quickly? when kept loaded or rotated?
In my case I am talking about original factory mags that came in the box with a Browning Bda.380, I guess these are quality mags:confused: right?
Well my question is open again, I appreciate all the feedback I can receive from your experiences, but does anyone have confirmed info from Browning, S&W etc?. What is their oponion on the topic?


My understanding is that leaving them loaded does nothing to weaken the springs except if they are overloaded, as previously noted. It's the working of the springs that weaken them; loading-unloading-loading-unloading. As in range time etc..

I read the torture test Glock article awhile back and the G19 went over 100K rounds etc., the article stated that the mag springs would give it up about every 5K rounds like clockwork. Then they started downloading by 2 rounds, and the same magsprings lasted the rest of the test without failure.


New member
I read in "Cooper's Corner" that in Germany, an MP40 (he mistakenly called it a Schmeisser), was recently discovered, hidden under floorboards in someone's house. It had two fully loaded mags stored with it. When tested, it ran through both mags without any stoppages. Those springs were stored, compressed, for 60+ years with no problems.


New member
Ok guys!!:) those last pots where awsome!! thanks. I guess with that kind of info you can make a decision for your self and the good thing is it makes sence. The reason I made my post was beacuse heard of a police shooting where the oficers off duty gun failed to fire due to a weak mag spring, I dont want that to happen to me. A retired LEO told me that it happened because the gun had been loaded too long, but He was not sure that was the official reason after the investigation.


I have in my possession a 30 rnd AR-15 mag that has been (presumably fully) loaded since may 1974 (or 76 would have to check the tag to be sure). My dad had it since then and always meant to test it to see if it'd go ok. I bought an AR, so he sent it to me to test. He's making me video it and as soon as I can beg-borrow-steal (sic), a camcorder I will and post the results for your perusal.

I peeked down in the magwell and its loaded with Mil LC ammo.


New member

Thanks I will be waiting for the video or the info. When do you plan on testing the rifle and the mag?? soon? or not?


New member
I have S&W 4516 mags that have been loaded since 1990, except when being shot and I still wasn't having any problems last month. I have 10 bottom feeders and and probably 40 magazines and I have never replaced a mag spring. My truck doesn't look like a low rider and it has been on it's springs since 1989.