weak hand weak eye ?


New member
I shoot good left handed with a patch over the right eye . Does anybody know how to learn to wink with the right eye ? I shoot with both eyes open right handed but when I try it left handed it will not work. Shots are way to the right . I can not close the right eye without closing the left eye also need help ?????


New member
I'm afraid I can't really teach or tell you how to move your own face. You will have to figure out the proper muscular contraction sequence yourself.


New member

So the shots will be on the paper thats why. At work I have to shoot 6 shots at 25 yards with the left hand . If I hold a foot or more to the left they will be on the paper. Not the way to do it I don't think. I shoot good enough right handed to shoot my left hand shots in the ground and still be a top shooter . Still I want them all where they should be in the target.


New member
Im right-eye dominant.

Im right-eye dominant. If I shoot with the right eye and the left hand the shoots never hit anywhere close to the POA. Im left handed but right eye dominate. As a kid I had to learn to shoot with the right hand because I could never hit using the right eye and the left hand.


Moderator Emeritus
You will be a better shooter if you shoot right handed. It may not seem natural, but at least you'll hit what you're aiming at.

I think what is happening is you are switching the focus of your eyes while you are aiming. Make sure you focus on the front sight with your dominant eye regardless of which hand you are using to shoot.

I hope this helps. :)



New member
I'm right-handed and right-eye dominant. I injured my right hand a few years back and couldn't use it for shooting for about seven months, I was pretty seriously into IDPA at the time, so I taught myself to shoot left-handed and with my left eye. I tried to use my right eye, but I just couldn't get the two to coordinate. The angle is just different enough to throw me off.

It took a lot of practice, but now I can shoot almost as well with my left hand/left eye as I can with my right hand/right eye. I also practiced transitions from right-hand grip to left-hand grip. (Also, if you know what you're doing, you don't need an ambi-safety on a 1911.) When I was shooting in IDPA, it help out my barricade shooting a lot.

How to do it? Probably a lot of different ways. What I did was aim at a target past an open doorway that only my left eye could see while holding the gun in my left hand. Once I could focus my left eye on the sights, I put a target on the other side that only my right eye could see while holding the gun in my right hand, and then I moved back and forth between the two while making my right grip/left grip transition. Never needed to close one eye or the other.

Starting out was very difficult, but once it started to work, my proficiency developed rapidly.

Some people would probably look at the process as a pain. I found it fun (after it started to work). I also like that I've developed a new skill. After all, could be that my right hand gets injured again, and that whatever caused the injury also damages my right eye. Or maybe I just injury my right eye somehow. If either of those things were to happen, they would no longer leave me at a disadvantage.


New member
Well, I know you said you've tried shooting left-hand/right eye without any luck, but I'm going to agree with the others here and say keep working on that. Shoot with the dominant eye.

I shoot the other way, right hand/left eye. I'm right handed and right eye dominant, but now have to shoot with my left eye since the right one don't work no more:mad: .

Had to learn rifle and shotgun lefthanded (really weird feeling!) but can still shoot pistol right handed. I haven't really noticed any change in my POA or POI. So shooting a pistol crosswise can definitely be done. I think I cock my head a little to the right to line up with the sights better, but that's about it.

Good luck!


Moderator Emeritus
Mike - Sorry about your eye. :( Sounds like you've adapted well though.

Another technique you can try is to cant the pistol a little bit to help line it up with your dominant eye. You might also find that training with a pistol with a red dot sight on it will help you overcome the left-right difficulty.

Good luck! :)



New member
I have some of the answer

Its trigger control. My right trigger finger is very good my left finger sucks. I tried it today with the left hand and I did ok at 10 and 15 yards but at 25 yards I had to be real easy on the trigger or I would get a miss.
I can shoot with the gun in the left hand and pull the trigger with the right hand and do real good . So that tells me my left trigger finger needs a lot of work.