We won! We won! We Won!


New member
As a Miami resident, I must say that my state came through for all of us. God bless the hicks and the spics. They've saved us all. Don't forget, Florida IS shaped like a gun. It's still America with a "c" and not Amerika with a "k".

Time to go get the Chinese, before they get really dangerous.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Funny that the escapees from the USSR and Cuba and Viet Nam cast the votes for freedom while some natives can't wait to gain a master. The Cuban vote was easily the tie-breaker in FL...


IM SOOOOO HAPPY THAT WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
On behalf of the Bush Supporters in the state of California, I thank you Floridians for pulling our butts out of the fire.

You guys rock!


J. Parker

New member
Right on, viper! It was Florida alright. I'm really happy but also a bit disappointed here in my State Of Washington where Eastern Wash. state in very pro-Bush but we lost Washington because of those damn tree huggers in Seattle. I'm tired, Goodnight.

Hard Ball

New member
Unfortunately, Florida law requires a recount which is now underway. It is supposed to be completed on Thursday, 9 November.


New member
I'm sure if you think for a minute, you could come up with a few more socio-economic or ethnic groups to insult.

Great way to make friends & influence people to your point of view.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Lighten up, folks. Maybe not the best choice of terminology but definitely in good humor and meant well.


New member
I am so embarressed with Michigan's votes. We even voted out our wonderful republican senator and put liberaldebbie.com in his seat!!! Even the big NRA campaign here didn't do what it was supposed to. Damn. I am so depressed. I live in the west Michigan area which is the Republican stronghold, but not nearly populated as Detroit which has our primary hive of social leaches. Blah!

Thank you Florida. You better make this right or I will start comparing you to Detroit!

w i l

Ken Cook

New member
As a confirmed "Hick" I am not offended.
Can't speak for the Cubanos, but somehow I don't think they'd be offended either.
Either way, thank God THEY know the direction wherein Freedom lies.

Your mind is your primary weapon.


New member

I don't know what happened to my earlier post, but I don't lighten up when I hear people insulted.

I hope the results hold and that Bore doesn't decide to challenge the recount. If he does he'll easily come across as a sore loser.

"Get yourself a Pistolet Makarova and lose that pricey western gadget."

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tecolote:

I don't know what happened to my earlier post, but I don't lighten up when I hear people insulted.


You might be right on this one. I have a thick skin so reading "thank God for **** vote" would not have bothered me...but you are absolutely correct that we must watch the language if only for the benefit of the lurkers. Thanks for the reminder, I'll heed it.


New member

Sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude to you or Viper. It's been a long day for all of us. I'm just very worried that the Traitorcrats are getting ready to launch an assualt on the Constitution.

"Get yourself a Pistolet Makarova and lose that pricey western gadget."


Dang viper, I'm Chinese-American. I'm not a threat to your life of this country. The communists are. Clarify next time, please. I'd really NOT want to invoke RKBA coz some INS goon thinks I belong in a concentration camp.

Anyways, good for FL ... hooray :D