We support the Russian gun industry!

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
How times have changed!


Basically the old AK factories are making a living selling Saigas to us and others. The market for military guns has dried up. The ban on Chinese guns gives them a nice slice of the market.

Some whining about gun control and rampages - however, the Russians don't have a law about carrying a gun when drunk as then no one would go hunting.

I do remember when the 223 Saigas were really cheap.


New member
I'm guessing there's no equivalent of Chuck Schumer in Russia? :D

On the other hand, what a surprise to find out, "Typically, an American family will have five or six short- and long-barreled guns” and “Some collectors have more than 20 guns.”

How many guns would you have to give up to be typical :) ?
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You are forgetting the Baikals as well

It is funny how we let a few years pass and then our enemy is our friend as long as their guns are cheap - as we bemoan the drop in quality in our own companies as they try to compete with third world payrolls

We never learn


New member
Not to mention all the Russian ammo they ship to us. I buy the cheapest stuff I can find for the AK-47. I even have some Barnaul stuff that feeds good in my AR-15s.


New member
Man, I avoid excessive sodium and I try to get cardio three times a week, but all of those measures are going to be useless if I keep reading the comments section on NYT articles.

I personally can't wait until I can save up and get an Arsenal AK-74 5.45x39 variant. That's my dream AK. :)
“Typically, an American family will have five or six short- and long-barreled guns,” Mr. Kuzyuk, a former director of the Boston Consulting Group in Moscow, said in an interview.
"Also, I hear they have pet mongoose, talking refrigerator, and hover-car."

A few years ago, Izhmash tried suing all the folks making unlicensed copies of their rifles, claiming (get this) trademark infringement. It's amazing how they selectively incorporate aspects of the free market as it suits them.


New member
I do remember when the 223 Saigas were really cheap.
Thanks for reminding me, I had to go kick myself again for not buying several of them. :(
"Also, I hear they have pet mongoose, talking refrigerator, and hover-car."
ROFLMAO, that's the best one I've read today. :D

Actually, at the risk of thread veer, I've met quite a few Russians due to some family connections, and I will make two observations: (1) they seem to love rumors and conspiracy theories- it's almost like a national sport, actually- and (2) they don't hesitate to speak their minds. This leads to some very interesting conversations. :D

I'd also like to make an observation re: Izhmash / Izhevsk Machine Works and Saiga firearms.

As much as I personally despise the show, this company needs to write the world's biggest Thank-You note to Red Jacket Firearms and the producers of "Sons of Guns". Every time I've watched the show- before turning it off in disgust- it's Saiga this, Saiga that. ("We're mounting a Saiga on this vacuum cleaner for those REALLY nasty dust bunnies!" ;) ) I'm convinced that many gun buyers wouldn't really know anything about Saigas if not for the show. Their importers' advertising and promotional budget seems to be near-nonexistent.


New member
Has anybody had any experience with these.

RRA that uses AK 47 mags. Some of the Premium AK makers are getting up there in the price.


plus there is the new SIG 556 in 7.62x39 that I read has been redesigned plus the chamber has been made a tad bigger so you can use the steel cased stuff and it also uses AK Magazines.

Have AK prices and premium AK makers made them expensive enough that other U.S. makers will enter the market with alternatives? I have an AK because it will digest cheap steel cased stuff. I used to stop because the wood forend was smoking....:D