We need more Tom Sellecks


New member
I really enjoy watching Tom Selleck's westerns. Am I mistaken in thinking he's a fellow enthusiast? Looks like he's very knowledgeable.


Well, he's on the second cover of the NRA's magazines, advertising for the "Win my Quigley rifle" contest, so I have to imagine he's aligned with the NRA and our interests as gun owners. Kinda like John Milius, the director of Apocalypse Now, who has appeared inside the magazine in ads for the NRA.

I loved Quigley Down Under. I have not seen his other westerns, but I saw them on a rack and Walmart and will consider buying them.




Yes, he is one of us.

I just made a post on rejoining the NRA. IIRC, Tom is a lifetime member also. If not, he should be.

With guys like him, Ted and Lars and maybe even some of us that are life members are can be voted into office, we could make a difference. Get the weenies out of the NRA and get the organization back on track.

Just taking some time off of work, not worrying about the day to day crap, I'm starting to feel the fire start up again in my loins (men will understand).

One day, I can imagine the day, that we could walk into sears, any western auto, and buy an MP5 with ammo, without the background check, without the paperwork, and without fear.


*okay, so my last sentence sounds like BS... but what do you think people felt like before 1934? Free maybe.


New member
Yup he got blindsided by Rosie O Donnell on her show one time...handled it like a gentleman tho...

His westerns on TNT are my faves to........


New member
He is on the board of directors of the NRA.

One of my favorite celebs. He should do a Magnum P.I. movie, but without any of the original cast.


I know that on the cover of the magazine, they don't do a great job of clearly showing the title, which is actually "America's FIRST Freedom." The "1st" part sort of floats up high and doesn't read right across.


Number 6

The uninformed....

"I really enjoy watching Tom Selleck's westerns. Am I mistaken in thinking he's a fellow enthusiast?"

Obviously NOT an NRA member... :rolleyes: And yes, we DO need more people like Tom Selleck, who could easily be the Charlton Heston for a new generation of shooters.

"Kinda like John Milius, the director of Apocalypse Now, who has appeared inside the magazine in ads for the NRA."

Not even CLOSE!

Milius is best known for directing a minor, albeit cult, film called "Red Dawn." I believe he also helped script at least one of the "Dirty Harry" films.

Francis Ford Coppola directed/produced "Apocalypse Now."


New member
Ugh, he sure let Rosie off easy on that one. She said assault weapons that shoot 5 bullets a second should be illegal... well, for the most part they are. Tom should have let her have it... but I suppose he could have done worse.

I do like Tom Selleck though. Awesome guy.


New member
Red Dawn, LOL
I think Coppola would want to be remembered for his movies, and not mentioned in the same breath as Red Dawn :D
Tom Selleck - nice 'tach ;)


New member
Number 6, just because a person isn't aware of something on a magazine doesn't mean they aren't a member of the NRA. I am a member and opt not to get the magazine. Ever thought of that?

Number 6

It's called "situational awareness"

"...just because a person isn't aware of something on a magazine doesn't mean they aren't a member of the NRA. I am a member and opt not to get the magazine. Ever thought of that?"

An NRA member that doesn't get ANY of the FOUR different magazines? Okaaaay....

Tom Selleck's encounter with Rosie O'Donnell on her (thankfully terminated) show received NATIONAL attention. It has been mentioned on this, and pretty much every other firearms board, many times. His work for the NRA is well known.

Which brings us to the obvious question: How is it an alleged NRA member and Second Amendment supporter does NOT know any of this?

Ever thought of THAT? :rolleyes:


New member
Milius wrote the script for Apocalypse Now, so "not even close" is a little harsh.

Maybe 1Bad350 is new to the fold. Selleck's run in with Rosie was a few years ago, might not have been on your radar if you were a young dude not into guns at the time.


New member
With guys like him, Ted and Lars and maybe even some of us that are life members are can be voted into office, we could make a difference. Get the weenies out of the NRA and get the organization back on track.

Right on USP45usp,

Ted and Lars, now America would be a far safer place if these guys were in the majority. I loved how Lars stood up to and threatened to kill that crazy guy that threatened him and his wife.

Number 6

"The horror.......the horror.........."

"Milius wrote the script for Apocalypse Now, so "not even close" is a little harsh."

CO-wrote w/ Coppola. Which is a tad tangential compared to DIRECTING, which is what was claimed for Milius' achievement.