We need more like this girl:


New member
that mo-mo gonna have a good reputation in jail.

bubba "what are you in for?"
bubbas soon to be girlfriend "trespassing, recieving stolen property."
bubba "how'd they catch you?"
bubbas soon to be girlfriend "a 110 lb high school student tackled me and then hog tied me till the bobbys arrived."


New member
I wonder if she fliped this guy feet and arms up after she tackled him, then tied him up and looked around for the judges.

"What's my time?" :D

Jim V

New member
She wasn't looking for her time, she was looking for the branding iron.
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It's not the size of the dog, it's the fight in the dog. That gal had a lot of fight and please, keep her away from me. I don't want to be embarassed by being taken down by an itty bitty girl.


New member
What's up with that mother?

"I told her just to flick the lights on and off a couple of times" to scare off intruders, Stanley said. "Then I crawled back into bed."

This is how she reacts to being told three men are approaching the house in the middle of the night?


New member
Regarding BogBabe’s reference. It is a bit distressing to see people come to the point that an ACCEPTENCE of "minor" crime is expected. How many times have you heard "well he took my money and my car but the important thing is he didn’t hurt me" as an interview on the news? Acquiesce may or may not be the safest course for a particular situation but couldn’t you at least be angry that you were robbed?!?

Three cheers for the girl in the story and the happy ending.