We lost two icons in the last couple days...


New member
I did not see it mentioned yet on here, but the shooting community has lost two very well respected men in the last couple days.

Jim Clark of Clark Custom Guns passed away on Saturday, and Ed Shilen passed away on Monday.

I have had the pleasure of shooting with and speaking with Jim a couple times, and he was incredibly knowledgeable, and seemed to be a good man in my limited interactions with him. Article on Jim and his passing can be found HERE.

I never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Shilen, but his contributions to the shooting world can not be denied. An article about Mr. Shilen and his passing can be found HERE.


New member
A wonderful fitting tribute, having Mr. Clark attend a final shootin' match with family and friends held in his honor.
About the nicest way to go for a true gun guy.
Good travels to both.