We have seen the militia, and it is us!


New member
[rant] I have been torqued up into a raging fireball today by two seperate things I read. The first was a thread here on a second ammendment conference at my alma mater W&M declaring:

the type of citizen militia referred to in the Second Amendment no longer exists and could not be recreated, Uviller and Merkel claim that the Amendment is little more than a vacant and meaningless sequence of words

Now, I have heard the debate back and fort connecting or disconnecting the first half of the 2ndA from the second half, but even if you grant that they are connected, what is the point!!! We are the militia!!!

The militia is alive and well. It is every red-blooded, gun-owning, law-abiding American citizen who is ready every day to heed the call of defending our constitution and our country!

It was the militia (consisting of 38 passengers, two pilots, and five flight crew) that prevented the terrorists on United Flight 93 from striking their intended target!!!!!

I believe that when/if the terrorists bring this war to our streets (and don't think it can't happen) it will be the citizenry that will defend our nation more so than any law enforcement agency. World Net Daily had a great article on this subject today that I also just ran across.


Thank you for letting me vent. I think my head was about to explode.:eek:



New member
I beleive the constitution of Virginia and several other states take the time to explain who makes up the militia (pretty near all of us).
Too bad it wasn't explained in the US version, since there is that pesky reference to the militia in the 2nd.

E. BeauBeaux

New member
WND has several good articles today. They are telling the truth about thing's as they really are. It will be the people that will save this great land, not some .gov agency protecting a handout paycheck.

Apple a Day

New member
I hate to bust on you, hlmcfa, but I havent been impressed with the caliber of students I have seen in/from W&M.
After 911 last year the students were holding war protests by holding a hunger strike.... sort of. They were doing it on a rotating basis, so only one was 'striking' at the time. I think they were doing 12 hour shifts. :rolleyes:
The latest few batches of student teachers have been pitiful in the classroom at everything but touting the accepted political line. W&M is notoriously liberal in the worst sense of the word.


New member
Bust on me all you want. I went to the B-School, and that was the lone bastion of resonable thought on campus. Sometimes felt like we were under seige. W&M isn't as bad as Harvard/Yale/Princeton, etc. but it is getting there.....


New member
I have said this before and I will say it again. If there had been a blackout and loss of power in addition to the attacks on 9-11. The death toll and property damage would have surpassed that of ground zero. The state would have had no choice but to organize the militia, the people, to keep civil order because the police and national gaurd would have been overrun. I can only imagine how relieved they were to not have to resort to this action but you know its in the back of their minds. :cool:


New member

I simply can't see any State in our Union today calling up the militia. Do you know what mechanisms they have in place to do this, if any? Or would it be a matter of "show up at your nearest NG armory, here is the list" type thing? If there was no power, how would they even issue the call? Somehow, I get the feeling that most States, at least the east coast ones, would let themselves get overrun before they'd call up the militia. And that is a sad thing.


New member
I would think that, by day, the police and national gaurd would get the word out by word of mouth if need be. A bullhorn in passing: ALL LAWFULLY ARMED CITIZENS, PLEASE REPORT TO YOUR LOCAL POLICE STATION OR NATIONAL GAURD POST WITH YOUR ARMS AND PERMITS. THE GOVERNOR IS ASKING FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE IN THIS TIME OF CRISIS. :eek:

On the other hand, you may be right. They may let the city burn, but that would eventually serve us. When all the liberal reasoning is drained from reality, the one option that would have saved lives and the city would be obvious. And even the most anti-RKBA segments of our society would concede. EVERYBODY WOULD WANT TO HAVE A GUN. :D