WE are right, THEY are WRONG.


New member
As ignorant as one can sound by loudly proclaiming such, I have come to the conclusion that it is true.

Pro-2A types are RIGHT, anti-2A types are WRONG. Period.

I challenge ANYONE out there to try and prove me wrong.

I have sought opposing viewpoints, and have recieved none that hold up to any rational thought that even 5 year olds are capable of.

Abortion, homosexuals, and on other issues there are grey areas, but here, on our turf, on gun control, there are two sides: Black and white, right and wrong.

I just find that interesting...


New member
The problem isn't who's right and who's wrong; it's making those who are wrong see that they are wrong. This is extremely difficult because they are bliss-ninnies who lack courage. Without courage, one cannot face the possibility that one's entire belief system is flawed and needs to be changed. It's too shattering to self-image, and these types are all image, no substance.

You can lead a horse to water, but ya can't make him drink, and it becomes even more true if he's convinced that the water is poison and that poison is water.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Simpler than that, actually.

We aren't trying to impose anything on anyone.

The other side wishes to exercise control over our actions.

Therein lies the distinction. The issue of guns is secondary to the issue of control. Same as with rape: the action might be benign in itself (most people enjoy sex) but the lack of control over the encounter is what separates a loving relationship from a gangbang. Same with guns. I don't care quite so much if I can have a rifle with or without a flash hider. I care very much that some "people" (or goblinoid types masquarading as humans) are willing to threaten me with deadly force to make me accept their choices on this matter.

As with rapists, people willing to use force to impose gun control (pretty much any true believer) are phychopaths bent on dominatin gothers, either directly by force or using a proxy. Both types deserve the same grisly end. "Live and let live" isn't just a good idea, it should be Darwin's way of saying "Play nice or leave the gene pool."

David Park

New member
Your use of the terms "right" and "wrong" implies that you believe in some absolute morality, and that somehow your abstract system of beliefs is superior to those of, say, Sarah Brady. Such bigotry is typical of ignorant, redneck gun owners, who quote the words of dead white slave-owners as if they were relevant today. Didn't your public school teach you about diversity and tolerance of all ideas? I suggest you seek counseling to overcome your fixation on tools of death, and to channel your energy towards more peaceful activities, like helping the UN stop American aggression and capitalist exploitation around the world.

Also, your blatant challenge to "prove me wrong" is frightening. If I feel that guns are scary and dangerous, I don't see why I should need to justify my feelings to you. Such bold words from a gun-toting person are an obvious threat, and I'm tempted to dial 911 right now. I hope a moderator warns you against using such a tone in future posts.

(See how hard it is to debate a liberal?)


New member
This is the way I see it.

The "anti's" want to get rid of guns because thay can kill, and thay can. People use guns to do all kinds of crimes. Murder, rape, rob banks, etc... This is fact.

The part that gets me is, WHY should I have to give up my gun rights beacuse of other peoples actions? That makes no sence...

If for some reason, the US banned ALL guns, there would still be crime and killings. Because there is so much evil on this earth there is NO way to get rid of killing, crazy people, rape, robbers, etc... This has always been here since the begining of time and will be here untill the end.

Also these little stupid bills thay pass (94') also do NOTHING?!!!
ANYBODY could do these kind of sniper killings with a single shot (no mag) bolt action basic rifle.

In a country that has freedom, these are the things that we are going to have to deal with.


New member
David, that was scary.

  • Reluctance to acknowledge right and wrong, in no uncertain terms.

    Squeamishness for holding an individual for his/her actions when "society" may be to blame.

    A one size fits all solution to any problem.

All are among the problems that confront us.