We are Losing....go Vote


New member
sorry if this was posted, did a search....takes 2 seconds,


Should the FBI be able to investigate all gun owners through gun records....guess we are all suspects now.

last time I checked, the terrorists were using planes, plastic knives, and envelopes.

Please post everywhere you can....this should be on all gun related forums.
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Concur. Vote for the Dark Horse but vote! Don't stop there. If you ever get called for jury service, go! If it's a suit against a gun dealer, distributor, manufacturer, you can turn the jury decision in their favor. Admit you have guns, but take a neutral and "reasonable" stance to get onto the jury.


New member
People are so ingnorantly willing to give up rights in the name of the preventing terrorism. I would be willing to bet that there is always another way to the same thing without taking away our rights.

I will never trust the FBI again anyway.


New member
Done! and you guys might want to answer this question also

Ashcroft Says Critics Of Justice Dept. Crackdown 'Aid Terrorists': Do You Agree?

we're losing big time


New member

Yes - 7168 votes - 51%
No - 6796 votes - 49%

So many so willing to give up their rights in the name of safety... gawd...


New member
Did my part! Not likin the thoughts that by surrendering constitutional freedoms and liberties a society will become safer....

Yes 7,259
No 6,910



New member
Done -

56/44 in my district - others 50/50 with "NO" about 80 votes ahead.

I wonder what Taliban with email addresses are voting - maybe - just maybe - they'd vote "NO", huh? Shall we make a deal - no bombs for a "NO"? Heh heh, Right.
