Wayne LaPierre on Donahue


New member
I saw the first few minutes of it. What I want to know is, does anyone want to smack the crap out of that patronising, self-righteous, pretentious boob as much as I do?


New member
I stomached the entire show. Donahue has either: a) stopped taking his meds; or b) decided that behaving like a maniac will drive ratings.

This was one of the times when I've been proud of La Pierre. Almost anyone else on this planet would have decked Donahue within the first 45 seconds. Donahue was in a take-no-answers mode. If he thinks he can match Bill O'Reilly, he has some ratings to face up to. At least O'Reilly gives his guests time to respond. Donahue seemed to be on some sort of artificial stimulants.

This was an "ambush," just like Tom Selleck's appearance on Rosie's show. The problem with these invited "appearances" is that, if you decline, the host rips you to shreds for not showing up.

Wayne had no choice, and I think he acquitted himself well.

On the other hand, if Donahue represents any significant portion of Mainstream America, we're going to be "going to the mattresses" sooner than we thought.


New member
Just to keep my blood pressure up I wish I would have seen it.

I DID see the Tom Selleck on Rosie. I think some of the audience was sympathetic for Selleck. On a couple occasions where (I think) they cued the audience to applaud a Rosie statement the response was in my opinion only about 2/3 what Rosie expected.

FWIW my jaw dropped down to my chest during a couple episodes of Dallas. On a rare day off Bobby (Patrick Duffy) went trap shooting just for fun. On another episode the adults took the kids out on the South Fork ranch and did some plinking with .22 rifles. NOBODY GOT SHOT! NOBODY'S PET DOG GOT SHOT! Amazing.

Joe Botz

New member
phil the shanty irish liberal piece of ****,,I can say this,,I have Irish blood in me,,anyway this liberal **** bird should be shanked by a "less than fortunate" in a seedy area of where ever. God, knows phil would not be the type of guy that puts his physical mortality out on a limb for US! I truly hope that he gets killed by anything other than a firearm,,nice and slow hopefullly,,not sorry for the rant


New member
He was a liberal nut back in his talk show days in the 80s, and I see that his schtick hasn't changed any.

Let him to his .1% ratings. :rolleyes:


New member
Donahue acted like a madman. He definitely needs to stay on his meds. LaPierre needs to pick his TV spots more carefully. He couldn't hope to get any points across with that moron Donahue interrupting him, shouting and flailing his arms about like a wounded duck.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam

This is the text of an email I sent to the Phil Donahue Show which can be found at www.phildonahue.com and then "click" on "feedback."

"Phil Donahue's "interview" with Wayne LaPierre was disgustingly biased, sad, and an "ambush," lower even than that of another ill-mannered "star's" poor treatment of Tom Selleck.

Because of this one episode, I'll never watch your program again.
Furthermore, because of the rude and ill-mannered Mr. Donahue's
histrionics in discussing two sides to an issue, I'll advise all my
friends and as many as I can contact on the internet to avoid your
program at all costs. One gentleman mentioned that had he seen a dog frothing at the mouth like Donahue, he'd have put it down for humane reasons!

It's sad when one has even less "class" than Jerry Springer.

In short, Donahue sucks.

Fred Hansen

New member
Maybe O'Donahue and O'Donuts could pay for each other's sex change operations. Might go a long way to assuage their life-long frustration. In the meanwhile, a pox on them.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

george miller

New member
saw it

seems donaboo agrument was based much on why we lisc. car owners so then why not guns...too bad someone forgot to mention that even with car registration we still have drunk drivers and people having accidents.i wonder how that wouldve made his numbers look.someone shouldve held up a banner"its not the guns stupid biased jerk,its the people who misuse them..duh"


New member
This is why I don't belong to the NRA anymore. What the f**k is Wayne doing wasting his time on a zero ratings show like Donahue? It's clearly not the forum to advance our cause, it's stilted in Don's favor, and reaches too few people anyway.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Put Nugent on Donahue, at least that's entertaining, and Phil could use some Madman right back at him!


New member
Ditto what Swingset wrote ref even going on the show.

Highly unlikely Wayne was going to change any of that show's loyal viewer's minds.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. Maybe so, but he is out there trying. I don't agree with everything NRA does, either, but not being a member darned sure doesn't advance our side, either. The Ted Nugent idea is a good one as he CAN reach audiences that LaPierre and Heston cannot. We should all work all the sides of the street we can.

Spare me the BS about how NRA doesn't do anything.
I'm very aware that such is not true. For what it's worth, I belong to several other Pro-Second Amendments as well and I don't agree with all that they say or do, either, but pulling out doesn't help anyone.



New member
‘Donahue’ for Sept. 20

Read the complete transcript to Friday’s show

Guests: Wayne LaPierre, Mo Rocca, Sarah Jones, Charmaine Yoest, Mark Smith,
_ _ _ _Oliver North
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _PHIL DONAHUE, HOST: Good evening and welcome to DONAHUE. A lot of things have happened this week and a lot of it was caught on tape. Two Chicago baseball fans storm the field to hit, but strike out.
_ _ _ _UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stupid thing to do, but I did it.
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: A shopping center camera captures a mother as she abuses her child.
_ _ _ _Rosie dumps “Rosie,” the magazine.
_ _ _ _ROSIE O’DONNELL, FMR. TALK SHOW HOST: My integrity and my name are at stake. And that price is too high.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: And civil rights leaders protest against the No. 1 movie at the box office, “Barbershop.” Tonight our weekly panel will take a look at these stories and more.
_ _ _ _But first, last month the governor of Louisiana suggested that the women of Baton Rouge arm themselves against a serial rapist that was terrorizing their community.
_ _ _ _Well, earlier I spoke to Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president and CEO of the National Rifle Association, who thinks that all Americans should arm themselves.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: Are you hear to say that everybody ought to carry a concealed weapon?
_ _ _ _WAYNE LAPIERRE, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, NRA: Yes, I think that honest people ought to have a right in all 50 states to carry a concealed...
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: Everybody walking around with heat?
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: And you know why? Because every survey the Department of Justice takes of criminals in jail, they say one of the things they try to avoid is a potentially armed citizen, or a household where the homeowner may have a firearm.
_ _ _ _I mean, we have all kinds of laws to get at the bad guys. Right now, if someone is smuggling guns, the penalty is five years per gun in a federal prison.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: Now, that’s an argument against what you would call maybe draconian or severe penalties. Let’s talk about regulating guns. You know now, the Brady Bill obliges a background check. Hurrah for Sarah Brady. What a price that family paid for the power that it brought to bear on this.
_ _ _ _And you’re, oh, they’re going to take our guns. They’re going to take our guns. You’re a slippery slope organization. The NRA is a slippery slope.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: It is a slippery slope. But let me talk about that so-called instant check, the Brady Bill, you call it. You know who passed that? You know who wrote that law, the instant check? The National Rifle Association. That was an NRA amendment to the so-called Brady Bill, which was a voluntary check and a five-day wait.
_ _ _ _The NRA put up an amendment to say it ought to be done instantaneously, like a credit card check. And that’s what’s in place in America today. And our big problem with that is they’re still not prosecuting.
_ _ _ _I mean, the felons can walk in gun stores...
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: So therefore, let’s not regulate guns at all.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: We have 20,000 gun laws on the books. Let’s enforce them.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: I hear you say that a lot. These are laws which-which actually are provoked by the NRA, because you’ve made it so difficult to have any federal consistency that you’ve got communities around the country. And so you get on the air every other day and say, 20,000 and it’s still not working.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: But you know who lives and abides by all these laws? The good guys. They fill out all the forms, they fill out the paperwork, they comply with the laws. And the bad guys, the criminals, the drug dealers, the gangs, they operate completely outside the system, which is why rank and file police say, confront them directly, take them off the street, that’s what cuts crime.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: Right. But let’s talk for a moment about-and Charleton Heston, Chuck, agrees with you. God bless him, I assume he’s doing OK.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: And he appreciates the love and prayers of people around the country.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: God bless Chuck Heston. He’s brought us a lot. But, boy, when he says, “out of my cold, dead hand,” nobody’s going to take his gun if he’s a law-abiding citizen. Nobody is going to deprive him of the opportunity to hunt.
_ _ _ _Nobody is going to deprive him of the opportunity-no father of the opportunity of taking a son or a daughter to a shooting range. Fine. The technology is here and, like automotive engineering, adapt to it and regulate it.
_ _ _ _Regulate it. It can be regulated. We’re going to have a safer, safer society if we do.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: Again, we have 20,000 laws in this country. Great Britain, you know, they said they’ll never take your guns. The people licensed them, they registered them.
_ _ _ _You know what the next step was? The knock on the door to confiscate the guns. And gun crime in Great Britain, despite their laws that ban honest people from having them, is up 50 percent.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: OK, I can’t challenge your numbers here. Handgun murders, let’s show them, Lily. In Japan-this is 1996. Look at this, 15 murders with handguns in Japan. Great Britain, 30. Canada, 106. The United States, 9,390. It jumps out at you.
_ _ _ _Incidentally, if you have a gun-you’ve heard chicken in every pot. You want a gun in every pocket. And road rage, bar fights, too much alcohol, suicides. I mean, I don’t get it.
_ _ _ _The NRA is the one agency in Washington that could preside over the-the civilized-the construction of civilized ways to regulate something that will kill you.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: I believe with all my heart, the NRA offers a way to make
_ _ _ _America safe, which is enforce the laws, gun laws on the books against the
_ _ _ _violent gangs, drug dealers, 100 percent of the time. Leave no doubt, if
_ _ _ _you’re a felon with a gun-a violent felon, a drug dealer, a gang member
_ _ _ _ and you get caught, you are going to federal prison, period.
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _We cut murders by 60 percent the first year in Richmond, Virginia, by doing that. We ought to be doing it all over the country. I also believe we ought to protect the right of private citizens to have a firearm...
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: I do, too. I do, too.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: But you really don’t...
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: I want to protect the right of every citizen to own an automobile, too. And nobody is complaining about taking a written test for a driver’s license. And, you know, this is such a hysterical argument.
_ _ _ _Here’s what I think you’re doing. You’re huffing and puffing and, oh, my god, the government is coming. They’re going to take our guns. Don’t let them do anything! Don’t let them do anything. If you let them in the door, that’s the first thing the government wants, to get in the door. And the next thing you know, we’ll have an unarmed citizen.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: And you know what? People in their guts all over the heartland of this country know there’s a double standard. The elitists, like the Rosie O’Donnells, see no problem with their bodyguards having guns to protect themselves. And yet, for the rest of the citizens, the average folks, you’re flat out of luck.
_ _ _ _Who is going to pass the federal test? I mean, yes, rich people will. People with connections will. But you know what? How many of the normal people will get through Janet Reno’s federal test that she wanted to impose, before you could own a gun?
_ _ _ _I mean, the fact is, the gun laws, the average folks are left to comply with them. In Andover, Massachusetts right now, they’re saying in order to buy a gun you have to have a doctor’s letter. Now, that may be easy for the rich guy at the country club, to talk to his doctor and say, hey, write me a little letter to say it’s OK for me to by a gun.
_ _ _ _But you know what? For the average citizen, it’s not that easy to get a doctor’s letter. And people in the heartland of this country...


New member
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: So you’re saying regulation doesn’t work. I mean, why aren’t you just as concerned about the obligation we have to register with Social Security? To, as I say, register for a driver’s license? To sign a piece of paper when you sell your car-the deed has to be transferred over to another person. It works.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: Let’s broaden the discussion. I think that the great coming political debate in this country is going to be freedom versus security. And true American patriots are going to be the Americans that support the sanctity of the Bill of Rights in its entirety, and American freedom as defined by the Bill of Rights. And the Second Amendment is a big chunk of that.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: Yes. I’m impressed with your defense of the Second Amendment. Say what you want about the NRA, by God, they give a damn.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: They do.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: And you-you’ve got the biggest mailing list in the history of-in the history of advocacy, political advocacy. Good for you. You’re being an American. Good for you.
_ _ _ _Incidentally, I assume that if you’re in the NRA and you’re a proud person who celebrates individual freedom and liberty, 100 percent of the NRA has to be pro-choice. You’re not going to-your membership is not going to deny a woman an opportunity to make a decision about whether-her own body.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: You know, our board of directors instructs us to look only at the firearms issue, nothing else.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: I bet they did.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: We have liberals, conservatives, Democrats, Republicans. At the end of our mailing list are four million American citizens, one out of every 70 Americans in the country, and we’re out of that.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: Right. And you’ve got to explain why we have 9,300 people killed by handguns in 1996, and Japan has only 15. Oh, man, we’ll give you...
_ _ _ _(CROSSTALK)
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: a chance when we come back. I got to break here. I’m still employed and have responsibilities. Wayne LaPierre, NRA, back in a moment.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: Well, with Wayne LaPierre of the NRA, we’ve a familiar face, a man who’s been on the front lines. No kidding. How proud the NRA must be of you. I mean, I’ve seen people come after you, the front, back.
_ _ _ _And the power of your organization has-well, here’s Americans for Gun Safety. This is a television ad. I’m sure you’ve seen it. You don’t miss anything. Incidentally, you talk about this outfit in your book, titled “Shooting Straight.” Here’s the ad for gun safety. Watch.
_ _ _ _ANNOUNCER: These are real stories. Terrorists buying weapons at gun shows. A Hezbollah terrorist in Michigan, an al Qaeda operative in Texas, an IRA gun runner in Florida. How have they been able to buy their weapons in our country? A loophole that allows sales at gun shows with no background check.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: Harris and Klebold of Columbine massacred students inside that school, wounded many more, with a gun that was purchased from a private person. We haven’t talked about gun shows. All you got to do is walk up to the back of the SUV, give them the money, and off he goes with the gun. No check.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: It will take a month to explain the distortions of that ad. What the other side is trying to do is convince Americans, and conjure up the image that these state-supported terrorists from Hezbollah and Hamas are running around gun shows in the United States trying to buy a few shotguns. Those cases they cite, all those people were convicted under the gun laws, and are in jail.
_ _ _ _The gun laws work. The fact is, gun shows are not a source of guns for criminals. They’re not a source of guns for terrorists. I mean, there is no gun...
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: Yes. Is it true that Attorney General Ashcroft has denied
_ _ _ _the FBI permission to share the gun registration list with people searching
_ _ _ _ other government agencies searching for terrorists? Is that true?
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: No, it’s not. I think it’s horrible, the distortions they’ve done on the attorney general.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: Well, tell us what is true.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: Let me tell you what the issue is about. The Brady Bill, the NRA instant check, which you talked about earlier, OK...
_ _ _ _(CROSSTALK)
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: That law says, once the government says John Smith is trying to buy a gun, they call it in. The government says, it’s OK, Mr. Dealer, to give the gun to John Smith, right? Now, he’s a law-abiding citizen. The government has signed off on the purchase.
_ _ _ _The law says those records, if you’re an honest citizen, are supposed to be destroyed. The attorney general is complying with the law. The other side says, no, no, no. We want to save all the records on honest people around the country that have bought guns, put them into federal computers and keep them forever.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: So the list that was gathered by the FBI is sacred, in the attorney general’s mind, must be protected, civil liberties. You’ll get your lawyer monitored when he’s talking to you with some of these folks.
_ _ _ _You’ll go to jail without any papers, with no visitation. Your folks won’t even know you’re there and you won’t even be able to call a lawyer. You’re sitting there in a cell and nobody knows you’re there, with a toilet sticking out from the wall, because the attorney general is going to stamp out terrorism.
_ _ _ _When it comes to guns, hold it, privacy. These are innocent people.
_ _ _ _Oh, he’s so civil libertarian when it comes to this issue. It’s craziness!
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: First, the law Congress passed tells the attorney general to destroy the records. So he’s complying with the law. Second-and maybe you all up here in New York City don’t get it, but let me tell you-people in Texas, Ohio, Kansas, Vermont, Maine, all over the United States, honest people don’t want the federal government to have a file on whether they own a gun or not. They think it’s none...
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: Do they want to have a file on whether you own a driver’s license or not?
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: That’s a different question.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: What is it? It’s regulation. It’s an attempt to civilize an activity, which if unregulated, kills people.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: Because there’s a constitutional freedom in this country to own firearms. And they’ve watched what happened in England, Australia, Canada, where the politicians said, register your guns. We’re going to make a file. We’ll never confiscate them. And you know what those politicians did? They broke all their promises and knocked on the door. And people...
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: So you’re afraid of what they might do if this goes through.
_ _ _ _Slippery slope.
_ _ _ _LAPIERRE: Governments that register guns ban guns. That’s the history in countries throughout the world.
_ _ _ _DONAHUE: The book is titled “Shooting Straight.” Its author is Wayne LaPierre and James J. Baker. Here’s the book, I’m happy to sell it for you. And thank you, Wayne LaPierre. We’ll be back in just a moment.