way to know controlability is use timer, and


a standard target-distance, I use 10" chest circle, and 10 ft, (weaver) or 6 ft with one hand. Less than 4 hits per second (.25 sec "splits" on the timer) is not acceptable controlability for me, and 6 hits per sec (.17 sec splits) are quite attainable with true carry guns, at such realistic defensive ranges. You will find that you must slow down a bit at 20 ft, even more at 30 ft, and forget any sort of speed at 25 yds, because adrenalin dump wont let you hold and squeese carefully enough


New member
I feel well-armed with my splits at .25 -- .35.

My favorite is still "start - draw - till - first - shot - on - target" time...

(target = 'A-zone')


HAND in pocket (on a gun)

lets anyone be as fast from concealment as Leatham is from a speed rig. No fumbling or snags, no poor grip on gun, so far ahead of concealed belt rig to let one fire 3-4 more shots.