Waxing metal surfaces on handguns.


New member
Any of you folks put wax on the metal of your firearms after you have cleaned them? A fellow I knew put Butchers Wax on the exposed metal surfaces of his handguns. Any one here do such a thing and does this make sense?:confused: Is it like waxing your car to keep it rust free?


New member
I use Renaissance Micro-Crystalline WaxPolish on my guns to keep handling marks off of them.
You can use it on the metal wood or just about anything. You can get it out
of Brownell's it 's not cheap but goes a long ways .


New member
Johnson's Paste wax has been used 50 years that I know of !!! It doesn't come off on clothing like oil or grease and it repells water sweat etc very well.:D


New member
After cleaning my Marlin 1894C rifle, I completely wax the wood and exterior metal with Johnson's paste wax. I also wax the stock (only) on my Remington shotgun. Don't use it on my handguns, but so no reason why it would harm them.


New member
Interestingly enough I have been told Johnsons paste wax is good for cars as well. I think I'll try several type waxes and see which works best.


New member
Johnson's Paste Wax is good stuff for just about any surface. I used it for years on both wood and metal.

I do NOT recommend any "polishing waxes" as they have mild abrasives in them.

Major Allthumbs

New member
Look into a product called "Boeshield" has a wax built in, designed for aircraft moving parts or any thing else. Seen it on a thread around here somewhere. Sears sells it now as well. :)


New member
Turtle Wax has worked for me. :) Picked up the trick when managing a gun store years ago. Good for guns that want to rust.


New member
butchers wax is more of a greese than a wax. when i was in high school i worked in a butcher shop, we stoped useing the wax and started to use white oil instead. personally i just use rem oil on my guns


New member
I've used "Pledge" on my guns before. Never hurt them, they didn't rust, they looked shiney, and they smelled good.