Watchmaker or Gunfighter


New member
In the top left drawer in my jewelers bench is a .380, there's a .45 stashed next to the safe, and the german sheppard does bite.

All I see is a watchmaker who isn't willing to give his stuff to those who won't work for it. Things will change when the victim is no longer asked, but rather the robber is being asked "is it worth risking your life for a few watches"?
I'm interested in getting some "scenario" training to go with my target practice - does anyone know if it is possible to find classes that instruct on when and how to most effectively discharge a gun in self-defense?

I am not afraid to shoot to kill, but I am also interested in making sure I know the difference between times that I should be reaching for my gun rather than making a swift and speedy exit out the back door - or doing something else.

This guy had scenarios planned out - I think it's an excellent idea, but I wouldn't know where to start.

EXCELLENT video. I am proud to see someone refusing to let bad guys set the terms on whether he lives or dies just because the bad guy is the one holding a weapon.

Rich Miranda

New member
Awesome video. That dude is my hero.

The sad part is that because of the extensive networking of gangs, he becomes a target yet again.


New member
Thanks for the link.
When I was an apprentice 33 years ago, the watchmaker I was working under told of his robberies. The last one had him on his belly on the floor, and said "Ah, let's let this one live." :eek:
That is when I decided to arm myself and practice. Thankfully, I have never needed it, but still practice.

Ed K

New member
I carry on belt, keep hideaway hidden won't post where but not usual place like bench but easly accessable some times I remove gun from holster stash it because sitting working at bench it gets uncomfortable. I have full service jewelry store, complete shop I buy gold to get all types checking out store cameras see everything. I've taken training classes,you really can't practice these senarious in stor some one might walk in and freak out.


Staff In Memoriam
Great link! I will refer folks to this when they ask what are the chances of ever being faced with a life or death violent crime.

Ops Officer

New member
Greetings. This is my first post on The Firing Line Forum. I had planned to lurk and look for awhile before I ventured a post. But the video compels me to comment on a subject near and dear to my heart about gun ownership. The overwhelming point the shopkeeper made was his preparation, his training. He had prepared himself to meet the threat he expected. He knew his limitations and later sought another avenue to protect himself.

I have this bad feeling that since the election last November too many people bought handguns unmindful of the responsibility of gun ownership, i. e., sufficient training and properly safeguarding unattended firearms. I worry the clueless ones will get into situations that they are ill-prepared to deal with. I don't believe in accidental discharge incidents. I do believe in negligent discharge incidents.

Occasionaly, I run into people who bought a gun for home defense and gave not one thought about how to use and safeguard it. This carelessness bothers me a lot, since there are those in office who don't need much of an excuse to try to remove my 2nd Amendment right and grab my guns.

Oops, I didn't mean for my first post to be a rant. Actually, I don't rant on other forums. I guess the video struck a nerve.


New member
That guy is a true hero, it does say something about how hard it can be to take someone amped on adrenaline down. But I would have moved my shop after the 2nd shootout for sure