wasting some ammo tomorrow


New member
friend of mine was just hired on as a cop after retiring from 22 years of military service. She calls me up this week and says the department issues G22 glocks and i have never shot one can you help me out before i have to go to the range...:D heck yeah! and while we are playing with the G22 have you considered what to carry as a backup and while off duty...:confused: well not really... no problem i got some of those too. so i have a few boxes of WWB and some targets ready to go tomorrow and she said she will bring her 1911 Sig Tac-Ops for me to play with too and we may go gun fondleing after the range session :cool: here are the 3 .40s and the 9mm on tap for in the morning

should be a good day and im planing on topping it off with some very good Mexican food for dinner


New member
Man... when my friends call me up and ask for a favor it usually involves packing everything they own across town in the back of my truck. :mad:

What a good friend you are nonetheless :p


New member
she asked for no action shots but here is a look and think moment while she was studying the target

getting started at 7&10 yards with the G22

and later on at 15,20 and 25yards


New member
this is a mag each out of my shields and she did the rest with the G27, She liked the 9mm, looked at my .40 shield like it was a spider after shooting it and really found her groove with the G27, most of this is at 10 yards

15 and 20 yards with the 27

the G27 will be her back up she says :)


New member
she brought this for me to play with :D

there is a couple of no aim mag dumps from 10 yards here with my shield, and 16 rounds out of the Sig at 15 yards in that cluster

slapped on a splatter target and moved out to 20 yards, the 8th round is hust bellow the target