WASR-10 semi-auto rifle $349


New member
They also have this gun at the same store. Does anyone know if it has a chromed bolt. I think I saw it at another store and the bolt is black, I don't know if it is blued or painted like the rest of the receiver. The bore is chromed. The funny thing about the gun is that the pistol grip is black but the furniture is light colored ak-47 wood. Can I buy black plastic or phenolic parts to replace the stock and fron 2 wood pieces. Does anyone know if the parts on this gun swap with the parts on a standard ak-47. It has a place to lock in a side saddle scope mount. Just put on a 4X shotgun scope or a red dot. Is it worth the money? Do saiga rifles except hi cap ak mags. Thanks for any help, or link to a website.

NH AR Shooter

New member
Yeah, most of the parts will swap with reg AKs, the black grip is one of the US count parts that Century puts on to make it 922 legal. You can put any AK stock set on that gun. I cant help you on the chrome bolt question.

The Saiga needs to be modified to accept regular AK mags. Its not a big deal to do this. It is being said that saiga is or will be selling large caps that fit the gun just as it sits :) However these will not be cheap, given that saiga gets about $20.00 for their 10 Rd mags.

Here are some stock sets for you, I like the green ones :)

Just click on Stock Sets, on the left, then click on list all.



New member
I like the pistol grip on the actual ak variants they seem to be very ergonomic. I think that is why benneli? is making a turkey gun with a pistol grip, it feels good and I think you soak up some recoil and can get a second shot faster. Thanks for the help.

NH AR Shooter

New member
Your welcome, the whole deal on pistol grips on rifles was to allow straight line stocks to be used, so the bore is inline with the top of the shoulder stock. Just look at an AR as an example. The gun tends to move rearward, where as something like an M14 trys to pivot up, your shoulder being the pivot point. Shoot a full auto AR10 next to a M14, big difference in controlability.
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New member
thanks JB for the help I thought it might be overpriced, a lot of the stuff here is. I thought I looked at the gun before and the quality on the wood was bad.

Nh AR It sound like sound physics, i usually need a diagram to really understand stuff like that, so if the m-14 had a hand grip up closer to the muzzle that would be even better because there is less of a lever arm to lift the muzzle. Like on some of the mp sub-guns without stocks. It really does feel comfortable to hold a weapon that has a grip like that. I have noticed some of the McMillillian stock have a pronounced pistol grip on them also.

Do these guns have minute of person accuaracy out to 100 yds? :D


i was popping rounds at around 250 yards. It was the first time i'd ever shot an ak variant, and only shot about 10 rounds through it, but all but one was in the inner three circles... with iron sights. Personally i'd find some sythetic furniture for it... it'll make it wiegh less, and extend the stock on it. the wasr 10 traditionally has a short stock... and if your a tall person with good sized arms, you'll find it uncomfortable.

Load Master

New member
Dan, Most of these will group about 4 to 6 inchs with the cheapest ammo, plenty good to shoot a badguy :) A red dot sight or low power scope is much better then the iron sights.
The linked site above, K-var, has both long and short stocks, pretty much anything you need. while not cheap, their stocks are very good.


New member
Thanks, I am thinking of getting an iexpensive very reliable semi auto 20 to 30 rd cap mags, I have just seen a lot more of the ak style for better prices. Do they have high reliability? It might be used as a plinking gun also. I have seen somebody refer to an slr, and have seen sks weapons, the sks look to have a fixed box mag reminds me of an enfield or gibbs jungle carbine, or Ted Roosevelts .405 winchester that he shot.

I usually like about 15" lop I put a cheap pachmayr recoil pad over my moss 835 shotgun and I can easily look down the rail at the beads to shoot trap in a t-shirt. I figure if I ever get some goose or duck hunting in, take it off the pad and the extra clothing will get me where I need to be.

What does a good old ar no frills go for? Since I can use different ammo than the military I figure I could get something that will expand better.

Thanks for the suggestions

NH AR Shooter

New member
The low end of the AR market is around $499-599 for something like the Olympic Arms "Plinker", which now has forged upper and lower receivers, used to have cast receivers, not so good. The plinker is a 16" carbine.

The other way to get an AR cheap is to put together a kit, depends on how handy you are.

AKs are without question the most reliable semi autos out there. one down side to AKs, is that a lot of the old farts :D who run shooting ranges dont like AKs, they often will allow ARs but no AKs, too many people associate AKs with the Idiot jihad street punks they see on the news every day. Its kind of like "We dont like yur kind around here" With this in mind, I got one anyway :D Just be warned, even within the gun community, there lots of people who will look at you funny if you pull an AK out of you case :rolleyes:

Come to think of it, they always look at me that way. :)


New member
State run Outdoor ranges where I live. They won't let you shoot a full auto, and as long as you follow range rules you are good to go. Some indoor ranges don't allow any type of wolf ammo, they have a sign with a carton of ruptured wolf cases saying that this is the reason. So the WASR-10 is alright just a little cosmetic change to some black had guard and stock and away it goes?


danin.. the wasr 10 is definatly going to be a good choice for you. I'm going to be picking one up in the next couple of months. from what i hear, they are a little better than the slr's also found on one of the websites i gave you. make sure you get the high cap version...

and yes... change the furniture. maybe even add some optics. depends on how good a shot you are.


New member
thanks, it seems like you have some experince and have shopped these rifles a little. Do you think that with the ban ended the prices will come down? I looked at and through the iron sights and thought they were alright, I thought the fact that they were labeled out to 1,000 meters a little optomistic.

NH AR Shooter

New member
Shooting an AK at anything 1000 meters away, is called "indirect fire" or small bore artillery :D

The prices were already down before AWB ended, my SAR-2, in 5.45x39 cost me $270, The SARs are no longer being imported, The WASRs and SARs were not banned guns, so The ban being history is unlikely to change things. AKs have never been so cheap as in the last few years. :)


New member
Again thanks for the help :) . It sounds like what I need. Will have to check on the sights. I am hoping there is a video or book on the maintenace of the gas system and related parts. I have never own a semi-auto before but some things have come up where I think it would be advantagous to have a gun like the wasr. I know that every state is different. But if I get a ccw does that mean I can ride around with an unconcealed rifle that is not loaded but I have loaded mags handy. Or if i covered the gun to stop truckers and suvs from seeing into my car and calling 911. No need to answer you guys have helped alot. I have to actually call a sheriff who is on the ccw board in the county where I live anyway. I guess getting a saiga shotgun with 10 round mags one filled with shot and the other slugs would be a very potent arsenal out to 100 yds. So much time and not enough guns!!


ccw for a rifle? is that right? can't be. down here "bubba" rides around with thier rifles on gun racks in the back of thier cars. usually ccw only is for pistols only. check your state laws. http://www.packing.org

it should be legal for you to display your wasr... but if your worried about some parinoid trooper pulling you over, just keep your magazine out of the rifle, but within arms reach in case you have to use it.


New member
You can only carry a long gun to a from a range or hunting. The weapon must be in a case uloaded in magazine and chamber. The ammo must be in a place that is not accesible to the occupants of the vehicle. We have some harsh laws up here, and yet the crime rate is high, figure that out. I would have to do a lot of serious research to find out if you can do what i said. It was just recently allowed that while hunting with a ccw that you could conceal it. It ued to be that you had to have your hand gun in a visible holster even with a ccw while hunting. The original law said that you had to get your ccw in 30 days, they moved it up to 45, and they tell you it will be at least 60. The government thinks everybody will go hog wild if they don't have the reins tight enough and the spurs dug in deep. :) Thanks again, for all the help.


New member
Sorry to bug you guys again with questions but what is good plinking ammo, good range ammo, and good self defense ammo. I saw that remington had some nice pointed soft point ammo, that seemed to be a close up deer ammo. It is .308 dia. are the wasr's .311. and the .308 id made for the mini-30. Also read in the sierra reloading book that they actually shot .308 in a .311 barrel and .311 in a 308 barrel. The .308 in .311 seems that you just might get some not so accurate groups. The .311 in .308 would worry me about pressure. Anyone really check the ammo or just shoot, what they have.TIA :D