WASP Injection Knife


New member
It's a dive knife... As a diver I can appreciate what 12grams of CO2 at ~600psi would do at depth.. The results would be alot more spectacular than on the watermelon.


New member
I have seen ad's for that knife before, I got to thinking, (and that can be dangerous at times).

Outside of thier intended use, what could possibly justify owning one (besides bragging rights).

Also, within thier intended use, ( I believe in the event of shark attack when diving) suppose you stick it into a shark, is his first reaction going to be rapid evacuation, probably taking your $400.00 knife with him?


New member
Why would you have to justify owning it. No different than anything else.

I would think its intended use would be to stick something with it and bring a quicker conclusion to the encounter. In reality, its probably to awkward to use to be practical. Then again, it might be just the ticket for certain applications that dont swim away. :)

These days, its probably smart just to get in before the ban. Like most other things of this type, once word gets out, the do gooders are soon on it, and they all of a sudden become instant collectors. $400 will soon be cheap.

I had one of the (supposed) "Spetznatz" blade shooting knives a number of years back. Paid next to nothing for it new, and traded it off a few years later for a substantial gain (of course by then it had been "banned"). Even then, I got the better end of the trade too. The thing was junk. :)


New member
well thats creative i guess. took me a few mins to realize it didn't have anything to do with wasps. i said to myself "how is that going to help you fight a wasp :confused: " :D

looks like it has a lil kick to it. i guess i could see how it might help under water, but i think the fish will be out of the way before you can stab anything. i know i can't move very fast under water.


New member
claymore1500 said:
Also, within thier intended use, ( I believe in the event of shark attack when diving) suppose you stick it into a shark, is his first reaction going to be rapid evacuation, probably taking your $400.00 knife with him?

I don't know about you, but if I went diving and got away from a shark attack losing nothing more than a $400 knife, I'd say I got away with the good end of the bargain and put in an order for a replacement the second I got back onto dry land.