Washington Initiative 1639 results: stronger gun control laws approved

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New member
My 2 cents...or maybe $1:
First off, I do believe in thorough background checks. Among other reactions to this complex and sweeping anti-gun law, I get two gut checks which many may not read into it at first glance.

My daughter is a veteran LEO, so my thoughts are initially directed to LEO safety. In this new law, Washington state has made it easier to prosecute officers who THEY believe used deadly force unjustly. In a far left state, you can see the writing on the wall with this. With the new hatred our liberal friends have instilled toward our police, and their penchant for protecting criminals before the lives of our law enforcement officers, and dragging our LEOs through the mud in court and in the media, many police are hesitant to use their weapons the instant they are is needed. They end up with grieving families.This new law will give many of our police even more hesitation to use deadly force as those critical life/death seconds tick by. Police are trained to assess and act upon their training and instinct...within seconds. This law will eventually be responsible for the needless deaths of LEOs. The criminal wins again.

Secondly, this law is all about restrictions for lawful citizens and police, but does not focus, in any manner, upon implementing more stringent punitive measures for those on the other side of the law...those criminals who actually perpetrate gun violence.

Telling, isn't it?

Time to funnel more litigation funds to the NRA.

I'm thinking of moving to Wyoming. ;)


New member
I-1639 is separate from the other measure (I-940) passed by WA state voters to make it easier to go after LEO's who shoot people without just cause. I voted against 1639 but voted for 940 because prior Washington state law made cops virtually untouchable for a bad shoot.


New member
You are correct. My mistake. My contention still hold true though. A "bad shot" will be much more highly scrutinized by the biased liberal courts, depending on the state. Also interesting is this:

There is a clause in the initiative 1649 which exempts all government employees from prosecution if they, in good faith, end up allowing someone to violate the initiative in any way, but when it comes to the dealer, regardless of "good faith"..they get this:

(b) A dealer who sells or delivers any firearm in violation of
RCW 9.41.080 is guilty of a class C felony. In addition to any other
penalty provided for by law, the dealer is subject to mandatory
permanent revocation of his or her dealer's license and permanent
ineligibility for a dealer's license.
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