Washington Com-Post on .223 Cartridge


New member
not to defend them

Okay, I'm not out to defend the Post, or pretend that the coverage on this sniper has been anything other than a joke, but I'm willing to bet someone transfered that picture from the paper to the website, without thinking how huge it would look on some different resolutions.

But, you are correct to be anger, 50 shooter, because to people who don't know any better, that sure looks like a .50 BMG shell on my computer. People are going to be running scared. :(


New member
great pics

Way to move fast on the pics there, 50. Guess I was exagerating a bit comparing it to a .50...

50 shooter

New member
Strapped with HK's, look at the links I put up of a comparo the rounds. Just under the pic they put up it says "shown actual size".

Joe Portale

New member
Looks like a 308 to me....

But I do agree that it doesn't say actual size any where on the page.

Without knowing what the cops knew or the press for that fact, I was pi**ed when before the press had any evidence, they declaired the weapn being used as an...

...shall I say it?


I sat there yelling at my TV saying things like, could it have been a 22-250? Could it have been a bolt gun?

The biggest ninny was the reported who asked, "How and why would someone need to be able to shoot that good? " :barf: :barf: :barf:

Hey sweety, the bleach from your hair has poisoned your brain....

50 shooter

New member
Look at my second post and click on .223 vs. .223, look at the pic they put up that's on the computer screen, it's just under the pic of their .223 round.


Member In Memoriam
I seem to recall reading some where year ago that the 50BMG, the 30-06, and the old 222 Remington are just different sized versions of each other.............

In other words take a 30-06 and photo it and blow up the pic to by whatever percentage is necessary and it is the same as the 50BMG Reduce the picture and it is the 222 Rem. kinda hard to put it in English but I think y'all know what I mean. like a 2/3 scale or some number like that.

Sizes are different naturally but the scale is the same.


New member
I have the clipping in front of me.

So, using my trusty ruler...

Height - 3.25"

Width at the base - 0.5"

".223 caliber round. Shown actual size."

"If base is present, the diameter is measured to help determine the caliber of the bullet."
They have the case head labeled 'base'.

"Source: Federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms"

The accompanying article, which I did not save all of, but could dig out of the trash if I must, states that number of spiraled longitudinal grooves in barrels ranges from around 4 to 20.



New member
The guns firing pin and ejector can leave a distinct mark on the casing.
Firing pin marks on the casing? On a centerfire?

If the base is present, the diameter is measured to help determine the caliber of the bullet.
I've never heard of a rifle cartridge that has a detachable base. Also, I don't guess it's ever crossed their minds to look at the headstamp to determine caliber? Why is it so hard for people (esp. reporters) to ask someone with knowledge of the subject?


New member
Look at what they refer to as the base "measured to help determine the caliber of the bullet". Those .223's measure almost exactly .375 inches. Geez, no wonder they think it's a big game cartidge.

BTW, on my screen it looks like a .243, but I use an uncalibrated laptop;)


New member
Even if it no longer says "shown actual size" it SHOULD say "Not Actual Size" - after all, if the FTC requires it for the fake-jewelry-crap in the Sunday paper "magazine", why should the Post be any different?

I wonder if the second pic posted by .50 doesn't show the .50 held a bit away from the screen - when I held a .50 next to the Post pic on my screen, the real .50 was a bit bigger, but not much, and not as much bigger as in the pic posted. (confused yet?)

50 shooter

New member
While I didn't take the pics, it also depends on screen size also. That being said, on my screen the .223 round measures about 4 5/8". A standard .50 BMG round is about 5 1/2" in length so it wouldn't be to much different when held up to the screen.

The .223 round is about 2 1/4" in length so that makes the .50 BMG 3 1/4" longer and that's a big difference.

cracked butt

New member
"if the base is present..."

Or better yet, they can turn the empty case over and see the stamping on the head to determine the caliber if they are too stupid to guess. Is it a bunch of morons that work for the Washington Post or the BAtF or both?
:barf: :rolleyes:

My God, I'm no rocket scientist but there has to be SOMEONE from either agency that is smarter than I am!