"Warrior: From Civilian to Soldier" on TLC...


New member
I caught this on TLC last thursday, it was very interesting... A few of our soldiers that were in Vietnam were interviewed. The pyschology of these men was extremely interesting to look into. It always makes me wonder how I would react in a war situation when i see vietnam documentary type shows... Very sad show. I wonder how many actually were able to shoot the enemy though...

Those who saw the show, did you get chills when (i forget his name) one man relived the time he ran out of ammo and jumped in a fox hole to take cover, jumping right on to a viet-cong... he said he had to bash his head in with a helmet, strangling didnt work so good.

It would be hard to shoot someone, but being in a battle situation, i dont think i would have a problem.

Just wanted to get peoples thoughts on the show, if they saw it.
