Warren Zevon is Terminally Ill


New member
There is something to be said about keeping a sense of humor, no matter what curve balls life throws you:

"I'm OK with it," Zevon, 55, said in a statement. "But it'll be a drag if I don't make it until the next James Bond movie comes out."


New member
Roland was a warrior from the Land of the Midnight Sun
With a Thompson gun for hire, fighting to be done
The deal was made in Denmark on a dark and stormy day
So he set out for Biafra to join the bloody fray

Through sixty-six and seven they fought the Congo war
With their fingers on their triggers, knee-deep in gore
For days and nights they battled the Bantu to their knees
They killed to earn their living and to help out the Congolese

Roland the Thompson gunner...

His comrades fought beside him - Van Owen and the rest
But of all the Thompson gunners, Roland was the best
So the CIA decided they wanted Roland dead
That son-of-a-bitch Van Owen blew off Roland's head

Roland the headless Thompson gunner
Norway's bravest son
Time, time, time
For another peaceful war
But time stands still for Roland
Til he evens up the score
They can still see his headless body stalking through the night
In the muzzle flash of Roland's Thompson gun
In the muzzle flash of Roland's Thompson gun

Roland searched the continent for the man who'd done him in
He found him in Mombassa in a barroom drinking gin
Roland aimed his Thompson gun - he didn't say a word
But he blew Van Owen's body from there to Johannesburg

Roland the headless Thompson gunner...
The eternal Thompson gunner
still wandering through the night
Now it's ten years later but he still keeps up the fight
In Ireland, in Lebanon, in Palestine and Berkeley
Patty Hearst heard the burst of Roland's Thompson gun and bought it


New member
From "Jungle Work"

Lear jet S.W.A.T. team
On a midnight run
With the M16
And the Ingram gun
We parachute in
We parachute out
"Death from above"
We're screaming now

Where the pay is good
And the risk is high
It's understood
We'll do or die
Sten gun in hand
Where the gun is law
From Ovamboland
To Nicaragua

Strength and muscle and jungle work
Strength and muscle and jungle work

Three young men
In a Russian truck
With a little Mac10
Sent 'em running to the huts
A few young men
The few who dare
To battle in hell
Le Mercenaire!

Strength and muscle and jungle work
Strength and muscle and jungle work
Strength and muscle and jungle work

I used a slightly modified version in the Marines as a running cadence. Been listening to Warren since I was a kid in the early 70's. Damn, I'm going to miss him when he goes.


New member
A cancer-survivor's viewpoint

I, also, have appreciated Mr. Zevon's unique vocal and lyric-writing skills. I also have cancer. The good news is, I had major surgery about a year ago to remove a lot of nasty stuff...I was "cancer-free" for a year...a year of MRIs and CT scans. About a month ago, the latest scans showed something on my liver...turns out, a whole bunch of small tumors. Now, my cancer is very rare -- Neuro Endocrine Carcinoma -- very slow-growing. I am about to start treatments that will hopefully kill the tumors.

I hope Warren lives long enough to give us more music, and I'm pretty sure I will make it long enough to post more annoying messages on TFL...:rolleyes:

P.S. I didn't get into shooting 'till after my surgery....it's given me a focus and lots of E-friends that help me keep my thoughts positive and not dwelling on the "why me" negativity.

Thanks ;)
I saw him at Dickinson College in 1983 or 1984.

I didn't think it would be possible for him to be so stoned that he would put on a bad show, but he was, and he did, unfortunatly.

I saw him again a couple of years later and it was one of the best shows I've ever seen.

Sorry to hear about his illness.

Good luck to you, too Han. My brother's been fighting the beast for the last couple of years, which is a couple of years longer than he was given.


New member
Geez, I thought Warren Zevon was kinda obscure. Certainly not around here. Maybe Correia could come up with a commemorative T-shirt based on Roland the T Gunner.

Fight the good fight hansolo, we're all rooting for you.

duck hunt

New member
Good luck to you, Han.

Warren Zevon has long been one of my very favorites. I've even been able to get Shin Tao to listen to him because there's usually a gun somewhere in the lyrics -- and appropriately placed.

We wish him a safe journey.

Mr. James

New member
Prayers for Mr. Zevon, Hans, and Mr. Irwin's brother.

Here's another - not his best, but certainly gun-related:

"Rottweiler Blues"

Got a Glock in the bedside table
Machine gun leaning by the bedroom door
Kevlar vest in the closet
Well, I wear it when I go to the store

Shadows on the window
Rustling in the hedge
Faces at the peephole
Footsteps on the ledge

If you come calling
He'll be mauling with intent to maim
Don't knock on my door
If you don't know my Rottweiler's name

Halogen lights in the driveway
Guardian Angels living next door
One hundred pounds of unfriendly persuasion
Sleeping on the Florida porch

Slackers in the market
Bangers in the mall
Skinheads on the golf course
Hunting for their balls

If you come calling
He'll be mauling with intent to maim
Don't knock on my door
If you don't know my Rottweiler's name

Well, he's dreaming about an intruder or two
And the promise of burglar blood
He's yearning to chew on a gangster tattoo
And to hear the proverbial sickening thud

Shadows on the window
Rustling in the hedge
Faces at the peephole
Footsteps on the ledge

If you come calling
He'll be mauling with intent to maim
Don't knock on my door
If you don't know my Rottweiler's name

Mr. James

New member
forgot this one:

Jeannie Needs A Shooter (w/B. Springsteen)

I was born down by the river where the dirty water flows
And the cold wind cut through me; it cut right through my clothes
And the anger and the yearning, like fever in my veins
Set the fire burning

She came down from Knightstown with her hands hard from the line
From the first time I laid eyes on her I know that she'd be mine
Her father was a lawman--he swore he'd shoot me dead
'Cause he knew I wanted Jeannie and I'd haver her like I said

Jeannie needs a shooter
Shooter like me
Jeannie needs a shooter
Jeannie needs a shooter
Shooter on her side
Jeannie needs a shooter

We met down by the river on the final day in May
And when I leaned down to kiss her, she did not turn away
I drew out all my money and together we did vow
To meet that very evening, and get away somehow

Jeannie needs a shooter
Shooter like me
Jeannie needs a shooter
Jeannie needs a shooter
Shooter on her side
Jeannie needs a shooter

The night was cold and rainy down by the borderline
I was riding hard to meet her when a shot rang out behind
As I lay there in the darkness with a pistol by my side
Jeannie and her father rode off into the night

Jeannie needs a shooter


New member
I always liked the .44 Mag on a plate that was the sleeve art for "Excitable Boy".

"I hear Woodrow Wilson's guns..." - 'Vera Cruz'


New member
Another example of "If you live long enough, your body will betray you." Roland was the most popular song when I wroked in SA. I was fortunate to share an early morning over a few;) drinks with him after a club show years ago. That was another life, but I still dig his music.

Good luck and God Bless... My father survived the big "C". Ten years and he is in better shape than I am.


Ed Dixon

New member
Agree that WZ is one of a kind. Seems like one of those musicians that everybody "discovers" at some point and then finds out how much good music is not found on the radio or the charts. Heard he's trying to get as much time in the studio as possible to record a bunch of new material. Even money says he writes about what he's going through right now.

Kick its @ss, Han. Best of luck.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Mr. James - - -

- - -Sorry, I just had to jump in on your trivia question - - -
That photo had a name; can you remember it?
I think it was, "Willie on the Plate."

"Take the servants and ride west.
Keep the child close to your chest,
When the American troops withdraw.
Let Zapata hang the rest."
Vera Cruz

Several deer seasons ago, I mentioned to a pal that sons and I were headed for Crockett County. His reply - - -
"I can see it now: You and the boys, stoked on caffeine and sugar, car fulla guns, Zevon tapes playing full blast. Jeeze, I pity anybody blanks with you!."

Hansolo, best wishes. Keep on fighting it!
